problem registering account on pc

by explorer134

Original Post

problem registering account on pc

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

well, I know a friend who is trying to save his progress in pvz3 on the computer

with emulator

but he is unable to connect with ea and it looks like an error with this massage in the 

Location is not available

X F:\ is not accessible.

Access is denied

Could you check if there is any error with that?

and and I think this is very rare because even I can link my account on phone andwith it could be an error with his PC but I don't know.

Message 1 of 4 (216 Views)

Re: problem registering account on pc

Community Manager

Hey @explorer134 ,


Just to let you know, we don't official support emulators to play the game. I can give some troubleshooting steps for your friend to see how it goes but if it doesn't work, there won't be much more we can do Raised eyebrow


Your friend could try launching the emulator app as an administrator to begin. They can also check that the folder has all permissions needed by right-clicking on F:\ > Properties > Security > Make sure all permissions in Permissions for SYSTEM are ticked; if not tick them then click Apply.


Beyond that, unless someone else encounters the same issue, I'm not sure what else to suggest 🤔


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Message 2 of 4 (151 Views)

Re: problem registering account on pc

★★★★★ Novice
ok thanks for replying, I'll let my friend know
Message 3 of 4 (136 Views)

Re: problem registering account on pc

Community Manager
@explorer134 Sure thing! If it doesn't work, maybe another user can jump in and help out.

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Message 4 of 4 (107 Views)