The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

by saMuxTV

Original Post

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@reconzeroYeah i hear where you're coming from. I think another issue is there's so many ways to mod a controller, as i mentioned the Cronus Zen is apparently a big one that basically adds scripts to your controller and isn't bannable (yet but idk how they would even enforce that or detect someone is using it. Maybe through the macros or something). Idk it just doesn't feel good to be on MnK, I think the only solution is seperation of Q's but I don't think they will because most people on mnk have already left. Idk well see i guess.

Message 11 of 27 (309 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★★ Expert

They haven't nerfed aim assist yet because they're trying to figure out a way to change it that doesn't screw over normal console players just so they can get a fix for the 2% of streamers and pros that have figured out how to produce the above data. I guarantee you that none of those blue dots is a platinum tier xbox guy. By definition. Those are all PC players. Those are all very, very good PC players who found a way to exploit a system that was (and still is) balanced for average Joes. Not saying there isn't a problem. Just saying that it's a) a PC problem, and b) a pro problem. Neither group of which I belong to and neither one do I care about. And if Respawn has to take my already inadequate gunplay experience and make it even worse just so a handful of mnk players can stop blaming aa for their failures and start blaming cheaters... well, if you think there's been an exodus from this game so far then just hold on to your hat.
Message 12 of 27 (282 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★ Guide
@reconzero So to make it clear your response is, either let us use an overturned aimasist or i leave ?
Message 13 of 27 (276 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★ Pro

I dont care a bout a nerf, roller players can aim assist against other roller players as much as they want.
All we wanted are Input based lobbies, its literally the same as Console Players got from the Start of Crossplay, an OptOut Button ... no nerf needed , can be applied in the matter of minutes ... not years ! 
Something that would have prevented MnK Players leaving the game for good.
But they dont seem to care, hence numbers decline.
Quite some of my buddies wont touch a Respawn Shooter ever again, the company is literally dead to them.

Message 14 of 27 (259 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★★ Expert

My response is: I hope Respawn can figure out a way to determine the input device of a pc player and adjust aa accordingly, without impacting console players. Ideally I'd like them to segregate the lobbies again. I spent half my morning quitting matches because I'd get to the final four and I'm scoped in on players who are running movement macros so they can shoot without having to stop running, jumping, sliding, skidding, and pretty much doing summersaults without ever hitting the ground. They never ever stop moving, and it would be one thing if it was just strafing with the occasional crouch slide, but that was NOT what was going on. It was more than one player macroing every single motion mechanic the game has to offer. I get that cheating is a different issue than merely mastering motion mechanics, but if we're going to talk about how an input makes things unfair then we have to talk about mnk motion as much as we have to talk about controller aa. At least until the lobbies get separated. Which will be never.
Message 15 of 27 (235 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★ Guide
@saMuxTV yup it's sad but NA dev love their aim assisted gameplay , couch gamer meta i guess.
Message 16 of 27 (179 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@reconzeroSo I'm kinda happy you brought that up because that seems to be the basis for controller player's arguement is yes we have easier aim but yall have movement. And honestly it's good you're "somewhat" defending it, because if i made this post and there was literally no one to disagree with me I wouldn't be able to see from the other side's perspective. That being said, if movement on mnk is a really huge advantage I'm just not that good at it, and the time investment it would take for me to get good at it vs the time it takes to get used to AA just isn't the same, do i believe that if you practiced for years on movement on mnk that you could beat someone on controller? Absoloutely. But most player's on mnk don't have the movement of aceu or hal or timmy or w/e. I would argue its much easier to learn how to track on a controller than it is to learn how to consistently do movement. I can do a wall bounce and strafe / slide but thats about it, and even when i do those things a lot of the time I still get insta beamed. As i said I'm not great at the game but I just know that it's not a good experience overall right now. I ended up quitting, especially because my friends made it to level 22 then stopped playing cause they said it was too hard and they never have a chance to learn, and I agree, the game just isn't good right now.


There needs to be a way for new player's to Gradually over time get better, placed in lobbies of low skill level and SLOWLY work your way up, that's not the case right now, it's hit level 20 and get thrown in with ex master's player's. Not sure again if this is because the playerbase is declining or cheaters or controller players etc, but regardless, it feels like you never have a chance to actually play the game and this is coming from someone who was playing with people on fresh accounts in rookie straight after orientation matches and it still felt horrible to play.


As i said the goal of the post wasn't to flame controller player's and make them feel bad, it was to explain the new player experience, the MnK experience, and the overall gameplay experience, all of which failed miserably. Of course this could just be me being bad at the game but as I said i usually can get diamond in shooter's i don't think my aim is terrible but in this game it kinda doesn't matter. Crossplay in general is always going to be an issue, they just need to add an option to opt out of it. I'll gladly wait an extra few mins to get into a lobby without other inputs and if you plug in a controller you get put with console lobbies, but i think most of the MnK player's left so I think it's probably doomed either way.

Message 17 of 27 (153 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★ Expert
@saMuxTV "if you plug in a controller you get put with console lobbies"

Why don't you put them in their own PC controller lobby? Why do we have to suffer because y'all on your system can't agree on anything?
Message 18 of 27 (139 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★ Guide
@CCbathwater You have to suffer because it’s your inputdevice making the problems
Message 19 of 27 (127 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★ Expert
@Azov1988 I beg to differ. While the PC's invaded console Mixtape, it was quite obvious what the problem was: PC, regardless of input device.
Message 20 of 27 (122 Views)