The official Matchmaking blog post

by Cheese9Man

Original Post

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Pro

@aisthebestletterNot from what I've seen, especially for premade parties of 2 playing Trios.

Taking the highest skill rated player in that duo, matching them with a random (often lower skilled for some reason), and feeding them to premade Diamond/Masters trios is absolutely horrific. Even if your random is higher skilled, I have almost never seen them be able to carry that duo against premade trios.

My brother and I do the duo in trios thing and it is a horrible experience. Totaly ruins our attempts to play this game together and often gets us ticked off at the game &/or ticked off at each other. We'll disband and play solo and instantly have better matches, too.

Message 71 of 264 (2,205 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

I had a win rate of 8.5% this season until last week. Now I am on about a 100 game losing streak. Wtf is going on. 

Message 72 of 264 (2,184 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Pro
@aisthebestletter Matchmaking is still broken and hasn't been changed. All the sweats, smurfs, & cheaters are back for the run up to S16.
Message 73 of 264 (2,125 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★ Expert

Nowhere I have found a slightest information about that they will take the team composition into the consideration for matchmaking.


This means that I (a support legend) Loba will be matched with other support legends to artificially prolong the game.


I am seeing this currently so I guess it will the same or worse.

Message 74 of 264 (2,093 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]


That's funny  "This means that I (a support legend) Loba will be matched with other support legends to artificially prolong the game."


Where does it state this? Will? Maybe that should have been could. How would 2 support legends on a team "artificially" prolong a game? 


Lets see what happens when S16 hits, me myself I am honestly looking forward to all the changes. Lets give it a try before we start knocking it. 

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outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Message 75 of 264 (2,082 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

@PsyhiX69 I assume you mean by banner crafting over and over? Do we know what crafting a banner costs? Do we know if it is unlimited?

I dont think this will be a huge deal myself. As the game progresses you won't have access to a crafter. And if materials are required there's even less possibility.
Message 76 of 264 (2,069 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post


30 mats for the crafting the banner. 

No idea if it is limited or not.

Respawn beacon is still needed. 

As time goes on both become limited resources either way even if you have and or can craft a mobile respawn beacon. 


I still do not see how this will prolong the game either way, since well, there is the ring and all. 

The needs of the many,
outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Please note: I am a community volunteer – I do not work for EA.
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Message 77 of 264 (2,058 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

@Asmodeus566 Exactly. Of all the changes I view this one as the least important and game changing.
Message 78 of 264 (2,039 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Pro
@PsyhiX69 They can't. You pick your legend after they match you up.
Message 79 of 264 (2,009 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Newbie

I know exactly what you are saying i started play Apex season 13 and it was fun to play had a few wins mm was pretty decent but now its went downhill. Now i dont enjoy playing anymore my K/D is a .38 and im always going up against Pred/Diamond players WHY? They should not even be in my lobby plus im a bronze player. Match making is a joke and i only play on weekends.

Message 80 of 264 (1,940 Views)