Broken Moon has a big problem

by i-Norm

Original Post

Broken Moon has a big problem

★★★★★ Apprentice

They created a huge drop propblem in my opinion. The new shielded area they created in the centre of the map has now voided 90% of the map as a playable area. I've noticed this more and more now. Everyone dop either i it or on the edge of it. Games are finished by the 3rd ring close and there is a MASSIVE player abandoning games. Higher than I've ever seen before. 


I played 5 games in a row where a player leaves when one of the team gets downed. 


The original Broken Moon map was fine the way it was but the changes have vastly decreased the playability of the map.

This should be TDM map and not a BR map.

Message 1 of 10 (449 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

★★★★★ Expert
@i-Norm Yeah the zone became the "streamer LZ", much like Fragement East on World's Edge.
Message 2 of 10 (408 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

★★★★ Expert

Yup, it's bad. But it was no better before. Everyone dropped Terraformer, Core, Promenade, maybe the Array. Now it's Terraformer, Core, Array, and Quarantine. Different day, same garbage. Respawn hasn't figured out yet that the only way to stop the problem is to build a donut-shaped map. And if they did I'm sure the players would find a way to ruin that too.
Message 3 of 10 (375 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

★★ Guide

Some time ago I already proposed the idea of bringing the ALGS dropship type system for each Ranked map after having my ranked matches constantly ruined by hot-droppers. Just let them go randomly. No need to pick. 

IMO There should be a significant difference in how the plays are developed between game modes. Pubs & ranked have no difference when smurfing high skill players come exploit the ranking system by never ranking out of gold. Doing it just for the kills. Back to the lobby with -10RP and 3-4 kills makes the KD look pretty resulting in dopamine boost.

I like both the hotdrop (short game) and (long game) strategic rotation & tactical positioning for the endgame but would prefer ranked providing me with the option for the latter one. 
Pubs you should be allowed to do whatever you want. But doing map updates isnt going to help. There will always be new fragment etc. 

Message 4 of 10 (349 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

★★ Expert
@Airish85 Yup. BR game hasn't been fun since Straight Shot. Amazing what that one mode did to playability. Imagine getting to fight throughout most of the game AND see end circles. Having to use tactics, strategy, gun skills, rotational skills, etc.. Wow. Stuff the playerbase deprives you of no matter which of the two identical playlists; Ranked or Trios, you play.

I would of course prefer it if Trios got assisted jumping instead as Ranked doesn't interest me. But there is no reason to split up the playerbase on two identical modes, none of which allow you to play the actual game. Unless you're in like Plat/Diamond or above.
Message 5 of 10 (334 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

★★★★★ Apprentice

This thing that DEVS have with "upgrading" maps is the real problem. They clearly don't play the game. If they did they would realize that there are certain areas that don't need touching. Take Kings Canyon as an example. The most popular drop was Skull Town. It offered high ground and low ground and multiple ins and outs. It was perfectly designed and a reason why Kings Canyon OG is still loved. 

Then you have The Swmps. A low to zero drop area because the LOW GROUND is terrible and the manouverability between the high ground is difficult and dangerous. Its a terrible part of Kings Canyo and yet its still there! They have never touched it beyong building in a wall that serves no purpose. 


And then there is World's Edge. In my opinion the BEST and most balanced map in the history of BR until they tore out her guts and destroyed it into a sigle hot drop map in Fragment. 


I just wish they would listen to the people that play these games and be willing to create maps based on popularity and feedback. 


Broken Moon is now unplayable in my opinion after they gutterd her this season. 

Message 6 of 10 (310 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

@CCbathwater Exactly! Straight shot should be the way all BR modes are played.
Message 7 of 10 (301 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

@i-Norm The updates to broken moon are great in a straight shot type drop system. As recon said the hot drops were there before and they will always be there.
Message 8 of 10 (300 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

★★★ Newbie

Great idea!!!

Message 9 of 10 (167 Views)

Re: Broken Moon has a big problem

★★★★ Expert

I love you both, but NO. Straight shot is not the answer. I would rather have a bad jumpmaster take me to a dumpster fire 1000 times in a row than have the developer decide where I drop. There has to be some degree of agency and free choice, even if it's only an illusion, even if everyone abuses it 100% of the time. Otherwise it will become preset drops, kitted weapons, and evo-through-combat-only. Just another arena shooter garbage heap. If I'd known this game was going to turn into Halo I never would have left the real one in the first place.
Message 10 of 10 (112 Views)