Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

by dioangel

Original Post

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

[ Edited ]

@reconzero R5 sadly is apex overall. Its the season 3 launch of apex. So it shares the same coding/resources/mechanics. The game for the most part is normal apex but like regular apex there is optional games where there are twists different types of matches. But, the core of the game is apex legends.


Keep in mind also that almost every comp pro player out there uses R5 for their practice. 

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Message 51 of 60 (642 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

@AcidicSoda44031 If this was the case every pro out there would not be using all the same controller settings. Linear 4-3. There are not many pro comp players who are not using those settings. Because that's where aim assist is the strongest those seem to be the magical numbers.

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Message 52 of 60 (641 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★ Pro
@E9ine_AC 4-3 is just too slow. 5-4 or above for me. Linear just drags my aim down and I do not like that. Well, not that it is any different from Classic, so it's whatever. ALC settings, default with just AA off, because I am tired of messing with anything else.

And yes, I have also watched all the YT videos you can think of and tried it all, even those titled "How to get aimbot settings", must have watched hundreds of these and nothing ever worked. It's all bs.

Oh, but look, AA seems to work very well against downed enemies. Why is that? Is there any way to transfer this function to the standing ones instead, so it is actually helpful instead of being an hindrance? That would help a lot.
Message 53 of 60 (574 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Newbie

Straight laughable just like how this game has become.

Message 54 of 60 (549 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Guide
@AcidicSoda44031 It is a delusion at this point.
Message 55 of 60 (522 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★ Pro
@Azov1988 you can call it what you want, I don't care. MnK is far better for me.
Message 56 of 60 (448 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★ Guide

ofc mnk is better if you're a god player , but aim assist is just cheating with extra steps.

Message 57 of 60 (332 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

Make Input based lobby is the best solution

Message 58 of 60 (289 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★★ Novice

I came across another Youtube video on the subject matter that's 6 days old.  A Youtuber by the name of Flats Two talked about the chat above, posed by the OP.  Nothing new or scandalous.  TL:DR:  Aim Assist on controller is at .40 or does 40% of the aim work.  Or another way to look at it, is that AA does almost half the work aiming for the user.  It's so good that it's basically playing the game for you in that regard.  If you want to call it a trope/meme argument, now, both inputs have their pros and *.  One is currently out shinning the other.  Players being players, will default to whatever helps them get their dopamine hit for success.  Legit skill need not apply.  The best thing that can be done is to separate the two inputs for fairness and equality.


The Stats On Aim Assist In Apex Legends Is WILD (

Message 59 of 60 (196 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

@AcidicSoda44031 Well it all works by hit boxes. So when a character is standing or running it has block-like limbs. So you have the chest then 2 blocks as upper thighs and 2 bottom blocks for lower ankle. So for the arms you will have multiple hit boxes for each limb. So the AA on downed people can be seen easier due to all those hit boxes are all bunched together in a ball when downed.

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Message 60 of 60 (234 Views)