Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

by EA_Aljo

Original Post

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★★★ Apprentice

So i am playing NHL 24 early access and when starting up the only two controller options are Total Control and Skill Stick. Why would you not put it in on day 1?  I just saw that it will be added Post launch which  is stupid.  


Feel like an idiot paying money for this early access BS




Message 51 of 305 (931 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★★ Novice

So am i. Been playing since nhl94

Message 52 of 305 (927 Views)

Re: Some GOOD NEWS regarding NHL24

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Aljo Can u help me
Message 53 of 305 (878 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★ Apprentice

Exactly.Without hybrid control, I would never have bought the game nhl 24. Especially since you wrote a month in advance that hybrid control would be there.

Message 54 of 305 (822 Views)

Re: When hybrid controls are added in nhl 24

★★★ Novice

I think we must wait Friday… but I want confirmation too, because I buyed this game for hybrid control… 


sorry for my answer, I’m French, I’m very bad for write in English 🤣🤘🏼

Message 55 of 305 (803 Views)

NHL 24 free trial controls

★★★★★ Novice

I downloaded the 10 hour free trial to see if hybrid controls were installed and still no. When are the hybrid controls coming back? I won't buy the game without them. And can you please put lobbing the puck out of the defensive zone so that hybrid players can play against skill stick players without a handicap?

Message 56 of 305 (577 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★★ Novice

if i would have known there was no hybrid control i would have never pre-ordered or bought it. This is absolutely ridiculous. If it going to be after the lauch how do we go about getting a refund? This has been my favorite games since i started playing nhl94. I am furious

Message 57 of 305 (612 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★ Apprentice
@hemisphered exactly!!!
Message 58 of 305 (601 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★ Apprentice

Especially since a month ago EA wrote that hybrid controls are back and 3 controls will be available. skill stick, total control and hybrid controls. Thanks to that I pre-ordered NHL 24. I applaud EA

Message 59 of 305 (651 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★ Newbie

pure fraud What do you do every year NHL I want to return the money to the scammer

Message 60 of 305 (600 Views)


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