NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

by NicCrosby87

Original Post

Re: NHL24 Wishlist

★★ Pro

@Forizeal wrote:

the games out in a month dummy lol

No need for these types of responses !

Message 11 of 70 (743 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

★★★★ Apprentice

@NicCrosby87 WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE! You get what authentic hockey is I have been asking for most of that list for years! How do we get ea devs to see this! 

Message 12 of 70 (742 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

★★★★ Apprentice

@NicCrosby87 @something I’ve noticed is for playoff mode when you win a series it’s the same celebration… they can at least update the handshake line to have the teams keep their gear on and for the Stanley cup one only only one team keep the gear on it’s so frustrating not seeing this fixed 

Message 13 of 70 (737 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

★★★★ Apprentice

@NicCrosby87 ALL THE TEAMS NEED THEIR RIGHT GOAL HORNS AND SONGS AND ON ICE PROJECTIONS… after watching the playoffs I noticed more teams have them but they were not in the game… also I would love for full presentation to come back 1000% but also include the entrance music like Vegas I want to hear that John wick song in my ears! With goal songs they want the game to be authentic but yet the authentic stuff is not in the game…

Message 14 of 70 (736 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

★★★★ Apprentice

@NicCrosby87 intermission shows would be amazing and I truly feel having tnt coverage would be perfect because we would get to see biz and all the guys! 

Message 15 of 70 (732 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

★ Guide

I get it! I miss NHL10 with custom Horns and Songs! This was so amazing. With new gen consoles it’s been different. While I could add my music in MLB the Show through PS chat, Spotify and Apple apps are making life hard. Haha 


License and copyrights are the issue here! EA would have to buy every intro songs, goal songs. 

For coaches, it sucks to not have the actual people, but coaches are getting fired, it’s hard to follow sometimes. I wish they could have a generic look a like of real coaches. Just like players. I’m sure I could make a almost perfect Mike Sullivan using templates. 

Martin St-Louis is already in the game, as part of Alumni association, I’m wondering if there could be an option. 

Message 16 of 70 (702 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@EA_Aljo any chances this get pass on to devs? 
I think we have good ideas, some are 10+ years old. Some are new, some might be in the next one we don’t know yet. But I hope few could be easy fix on future patches throughout the year like retired numbers on playoffs mode not working. Or wrong gloves colours! 


Message 17 of 70 (698 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

[ Edited ]
Community Manager



Thanks for the feedback. These are requests the dev team is aware of. I don't have any details on why your requests haven't been added yet, but most likely because there have been higher priorities. Gameplay is probably the number one issue fans are asking for improvements on. Spending the available budget to acquire licensing rights to songs is going to mean less is available for the other parts of the game that are much more highly requested. That's not to say it can't happen. I'm not involved in all that so I really don't know, but it's just something to consider.

Message 18 of 70 (688 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

★★★★ Apprentice

@EA_Aljo Yes please pass on @NicCrosby87 long list at the beginning having all that stuff in future games would be so amazing to see! 

Message 19 of 70 (680 Views)

Re: NHL25 Wishlist (hopefully some in NHL24)

★ Guide

Yes! Copyrights for songs are not really an issue on my end. One thing that could be cool is to be able to choose which song plays when you score just like created team but for existing teams.

I meant the full thread, first message and others to pass on to Devs, for future years. it would be awesome to be included in the triennal plan.


That been said, I’m excited to see new gameplay on Sunday! Looks really sharp. 


Thanks for the quick answer! @EA_Aljo 

Message 20 of 70 (679 Views)


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