NHL 25 AI Goalies

by Nation87

Original Post

NHL 25 AI Goalies

★★ Apprentice

The AI goalies need competely re-designed or atleast addressed for the next game, the tuner from this current game that ruined them and makes them throw games was a mistake.


I understand that the claim was to force you to play with a real person in net but that isn't the case with, oh let me see, ALL of the other teams we play against.


I'm not sure if it's the pressure system that never worked in the first place that's making them go down constantly every game now or what the problem is, but it's absolutely ridiculous compared to when the game launched.


I can't tell you how many times in a a game the other team will break the blue line, with zero built up pressure whatsoever, and just throw it at the unscreened goalie and he sits down or wildly throws himself out of the net to make a generic save on a nothing shot, and then STAYS sitting down or literally cannot path back into his own net.


Why is this a thing? Why did the need to be over-tuned so poorly in the WRONG direction? It literally feels like your team isn't even on the ice some games because the goalie is going to completely throw the game in less that 10 shots on net, it's just insane.


This needs to be a focus for the next game and its actually embarassing that it hasn't been addressed.



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