Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

by hardrocker61682

Original Post

Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

★★★ Novice

When will the lack interference penalties on the A.I get fixed I’ve even turned the sliders all the way up and yet my players who don’t have the puck are still getting body checked and nothing is called on the AI 90% of the time. This has been a problem since the game game out and it still hasnt been addressed instead EA would rather work on updates to ultimate team and other useless crap instead of getting off ur butts and fixing this problem. 

Message 1 of 7 (389 Views)

Re: Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

★★★★ Apprentice

The AI play by another set of rules, and every game it's the same. Yet I fart near a guy and I'll get an elbowing penalty..

Message 2 of 7 (354 Views)

Re: Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

★★★ Novice

since its July now and they still didn't fix the issue i doubt they will ever fix it and I have no faith in this company to have it fixed in next years game either. I bet if we paid them for offline modes they would get off their lazy butts and fix it real quick.

Message 3 of 7 (270 Views)

Re: Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

Community Manager



Can you get some video of this? We need to see if this is incidental contact or if hits away from the play aren't being called.

Message 4 of 7 (254 Views)

Re: Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

★ Guide
  1. The interference calls the AI calls against you, are 90% or more, AI generated. Meaning, the interference call is called against players you are not in control of at the time. And your identifying a lack of calls against the AI is right on. For some illogical reason, the AI ignores calls against itself, that it would call against you. The interference penalty in this game has been a joke for years now, without any fix. And I'm sure this irritating issue will continue in 25, as it has in years past.
Message 5 of 7 (174 Views)

Re: Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

@dogheels wrote:
  1. The interference calls the AI calls against you, are 90% or more, AI generated. Meaning, the interference call is called against players you are not in control of at the time. And your identifying a lack of calls against the AI is right on. For some illogical reason, the AI ignores calls against itself, that it would call against you. The interference penalty in this game has been a joke for years now, without any fix. And I'm sure this irritating issue will continue in 25, as it has in years past.

I think what's lost on some people is that there isn't an A.i. monitoring the action on the ice and then using reasoning/logic to call a penalty based on what they "see".


It's literally 1's and 0's. Instead of AI "watching" the game, it's more like a complex series of if-then statements and probability checks running in real-time, evaluating player actions against predefined criteria to determine if a penalty should be called. 


It would appear to me that EA has also added some randomization to A.I. actions so much so that they can take actions that fit the criteria for a penalty. 


Personally, I'd like to see all A.I. penalties removed from EASHL. In 1v1 online competitive modes, I could see a case for removing a.i. penalties as well, but I'm a firm believer that you should have to deal with some adverisity now and then, even if it is an a.i. penalty.  Of course, in offline modes where players want to be immersed, you have to include the ability for the a.i. to take penalties. 

Message 6 of 7 (152 Views)

Re: Lack of interference Penalties on the A.I

If players knew that the ai was unable to take any penalties, it's my belief they'd purposely skate into them and actually play worse hockey as a result.


Way easier said than done but I just want some nuance to their actions and to not take realistically horrible penalties that would get them benched indefinitely.They still gotta try to defend/attack with a proper hockey player mind

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Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes
Message 7 of 7 (129 Views)


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