Practice Mode/Scout Team

by ThumbsUpStoute

Original Post

Practice Mode/Scout Team

★★★★ Novice

Add a mode to play situational football against your own team - Select offensive & defensive plays, then play from either side of the ball to see how certain plays work against specific defensive formations.  This would allow players to better set their LvL and PvP strategies through real-time execution, as well as experiment with playbooks, plays, and defensive formations that they might not use otherwise.  A prime example is all of the questions by players asking for counters to specific plays.  If Practice/Scout Team Mode existed, they would be able to explore specific scenarios in order to better understand counters to specific plays, or why the defensive plays that they are dialing up are getting beat.  This would make the game more well-rounded overall, and help players explore playbooks on both sides of the ball.

Message 1 of 3 (1,484 Views)

Re: Practice Mode/Scout Team

★★★ Novice

Yes please

Message 2 of 3 (389 Views)

Re: Practice Mode/Scout Team

★★★★ Novice
Message 3 of 3 (173 Views)

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