[CL] Garage door/mural disappears when placed and breaks lots

by BestDangerfields

Original Post

[CL] Garage door/mural disappears when placed and breaks lots

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice



Some of my lots broke after the for rent patch and I couldn't figure out why. They would just endlessly load. I figured out it was the garage door mural thing from city living that was causing this but now I can't figure out how to stop it from disappearing,


Thank you


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Message 1 of 10 (552 Views)

Re: garage door/mural thing disappears when placed and breaks lots

[ Edited ]

@BestDangerfields Does that cause issues after spraying or just when reloading the lot ? What is disappearing the garage door or the mural ?

Good Luck


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Message 2 of 10 (525 Views)

Re: garage door/mural thing disappears when placed and breaks lots

★★ Novice

Yes, I also just noticed this. In my last save whenever I opened Willow Creek I would get a white screen and nothing else. I tried everything to get it working but I eventually gave up on that save. Now I'm building a brand new world and I noticed whenever I place a garage door anyway on the lot it doesn't appear. likewise, if I download a lot with a garage door, it won't appear. When I back out of the build I'm facing an endless loading screen, and I'm guessing if I had saved my game with the garage door on the lot I would have potentially lost this save to the blank white screen.

Message 3 of 10 (495 Views)

Re: garage door/mural thing disappears when placed and breaks lots

@777Akin Do you have an example of such a lot in the gallery ? I had no troubles yesterday while doing a short test.

Is this for normal residential lots or residential rentals ? The white screen issue is usualyl tied to r-Rentals.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Message 4 of 10 (470 Views)

Re: garage door/mural thing disappears when placed and breaks lots

★★ Novice

Its should happen with any lot with a garage door but I do notice it with "8807 County St" and yeah all the issues only started when I got rentals. But the lot type doesn't seem to matter, I've not noticed the lot type but I believe it happens on both.

Message 5 of 10 (423 Views)

Re: garage door/mural thing disappears when placed and breaks lots

[ Edited ]

@777Akin Did you have any r-rentals in the world that went white ?

I'll check that lot later.





I assume there's no garage door here for you



Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 6 of 10 (411 Views)

Re: garage door/mural thing disappears when placed and breaks lots

★★ Novice

Yeah it doesn't show for me. Honestly I'm just tired of it now I've just been waiting for the next update to fix it but I'm not even sure cause it seems to only happen to me. So I'm just not going to use garage doors at all. And i know its not mods cause I've disabled them and its still the same issue.

Message 7 of 10 (346 Views)

Re: garage door/mural thing disappears when placed and breaks lots

@777Akin Really weird. Since I can't duplicate the issue, it's a bit hard for me to help.

Going to move this to the bug forum.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 8 of 10 (333 Views)

Re: [CL] Garage door/mural disappears when placed and breaks lots

★★★★★ Apprentice

I've been having a problem with this in my game, too.


The DIY Garage doors from City Living are also causing an infinite loading screen for me if I try loading into a lot that has them. I've had several lots break because of this item, but I was able to save the lots by disabling City Living through the EA App and then loading into the homes and save them without the garage doors. This only started happening to me after the Crystal Creations update though.


I can give you examples of the lots causing this issue for me. Simlicy's Brindleton Family Home, Simlicy's Modern Copperdale, Simlicy's Vanessa Jeong's House, SimmarySims Cozy Family Home. These were the lots in my game causing the infinite loading screen because of the DIY Garage Doors. They were working just fine before the recent patches.


The DIY Garage doors also disappear for me when I try placing them, but knowing they cause the infinite loading glitch for me I don't even bother trying to use them anymore.

Message 9 of 10 (235 Views)

Re: [CL] Garage door/mural disappears when placed and breaks lots

★★★ Novice

Yes! I'm having the same issue. Recently many of my lots wouldn't load anymore.
It took me forever to figure out that the city living garage door was causing it. The item turned invisible for some reason and causes lots to be unloadable and they're not savable to the gallery either. The only way I can "fix" the lots is (if I still have an old saved version of them in the gallery) to place + edit them again via manage worlds, try to find the room with the invisible garage door item and delete it. Then suddenly the lot can be saved to the gallery again and loads just fine the next time I want to visit it.

Message 10 of 10 (89 Views)