Feedback: Shopping Cart Icon

by TinyDancer189

Original Post

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★ Guide

It doesn't matter to me who made the decision to add the Cart button (although I suspect it was the suit-wearing execs who prefer profits over people and not the actual developers who know the game and the community), but the button Needs. To. Go.


It's mere presence is insulting to the players (as others have elaborated) and the pulsing makes the game unplayable for those of us with health conditions that can be triggered by it, including myself. Please get rid of it completely.


I love this game so much, and defend it and look on the positives even when bugs upset my gameplay. But this cart button is too much. With all the problems players are facing without mods (well documented in AHQ), to push this money grabbing exercise on us is not a good look.  Please spend EA's money on fixing the game rather than encouraging the players to part with ours on an unreliable product.

Message 51 of 582 (1,204 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★★★ Novice

This "Shopping Cart Button" was a bad idea. The Sims 4 Team already Bleeds us dry from all the acontemt they mush out for ridiculous prices. The Pulsating Shopping Cart button needs to completely removed or fixed so that we are able to disable it altogether.

Message 52 of 582 (1,171 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★★★ Apprentice


Message 53 of 582 (1,138 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★ Newbie

I'll tell you one thing, EA; Crap like this is what pushes people out the door. If you keep this, me and many others will not buy another pack again I guarantee it. Very slowly breaking the camel's back here - this will be the final straw for me if its not fixed. Theres other games that are gonna push you out the door so you better get your act together lol. My wallet is already ready for Paralives, just saying!

Message 54 of 582 (1,045 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★ Pro

In addition to everything already said about accessibility issues:


The shopping cart is redundant. There's already a large splash screen with ads for packs every time we start the game. There is often an additional popup in front of the splash screen advertising some pack or other. It is impossible to start the game without clicking through these advertisements for the very same packs. There is no purpose to the extra shopping cart button.



Message 55 of 582 (1,037 Views)

Re: Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★ Apprentice

Remove this ridiculous button!

Message 56 of 582 (1,066 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★★★ Novice

I have vertigo that is triggered by flashing and pulsing lights. Please make this game playable again!

Message 57 of 582 (1,061 Views)

Re: Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★ Apprentice

EA is going to waste time and resources to add this ridiculous shop button when they could EASILY be fixing the game!  Instead all we get is a souless cash grab of a game that breaks with every new pack.

Message 58 of 582 (1,038 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★★★ Novice

I am also refusing to update until this is either removed or is made toggleable to turn off. I haven't updated since December anyway because of the incessant bugs in the recent updates, and I won't be updating even for the stuff pack coming out on Thursday. This is a shame as the pack actually looked really good.


We have enough ads!

Message 59 of 582 (1,038 Views)

Re: Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★★★ Novice

It's not a big, it's a stupid "feature" that never should have been implemented. Did y'all never consider the people who get seizures from flashing lights? Seriously this is so shady and greedy. Just take the button out. Put it in the main menu if you *must* have it, but don't harass us IN GAME to spend more money. EA has enough money. This is tasteless.

Message 60 of 582 (1,033 Views)

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