Traded Players

by rikdawg74

Original Post

Traded Players

★★★★★ Guide

For all that's decent and holy, can we please get it fixed so that when a player is traded the announcers don't talk about it being their first game with their new team every game. I'm sick of hearing it's their first game all the time! So much stuff needs fixed. 

Can you also make it so we can go back after games are played, to back and check the stats of the games? It would just be nice if you SIM a game to be able to see the stats of it. Unless I'm missing something?


Message 1 of 2 (440 Views)

Re: Traded Players

★ Guide
@rikdawg74 Kind of like MLB and NBA 2k. You can see the box scores of EVERY game during the season & post season. Hell even in RTTS in MLB I can go see a random games box score that didn’t include me
Message 2 of 2 (409 Views)


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