Draft issues

by Stolar9595

Original Post

Draft issues

★★ Novice

In the draft when trying to make a trade, which alot of times is a last minute opportunity to trade players before free agency. Who in the HE...double hockeysticks idea was it to interrupt a trade working to automatically redirect you to the trade board to see what random team is picking. Why would that be more important than trying to get this extremely important trade done before player walks in FA? It isn't.....and it's maddening. Yeah you can do a timeout but not till your pick comes around. I've noticed it also does it in trade deadline when a big trade happens. STOP IT!!!! NOW!!!

Message 1 of 2 (461 Views)

Re: Draft issues

★★ Pro

Yes it very annoying when you're trying to put together a trade and it kicks u back to the main draft screen because the AI has made a pick.  They really need to redo how that works.

Message 2 of 2 (443 Views)


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