How to transfer save files on flash drive for TS4. Mac to windows

by HumbleBeeDani

Original Post

How to transfer save files on flash drive for TS4. Mac to windows

★★ Novice

I dont know how  to transfer my Sims 4 save files from flash card to windows so i can continue playing my let's play. I backed up my save file from my mac because I had to buy a new computer since EA forced the switch from Origin to EA. It is a windows. I have my save file on a flash drive but I don't know where to save that to! I found my sims 4 folder but I have no idea where to put it so I can continue my game.  I really don't want to loose my progress. Help help help. I need a human 

Message 1 of 2 (89 Views)

Re: How to transfer save files on flash drive for TS4. Mac to windows

@HumbleBeeDani  Your saves go into Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > saves.  They cannot be in a folder inside saves, just directly within saves.


If you're having trouble locating the user folder, here's how to find it:


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 2 (76 Views)