[PS5] DA:I Maximum number of saves reached error

by W0lfgirl

Original Post

[PS5] DA:I Maximum number of saves reached error

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

On the PS4 version of Inquisition, I had reached my limit of 50 saves. I wanted to start a new character, so I deleted a character that had six saves. Every time I select new game it says I have reached the maximum number of saves even though I now only have 44 after deleting the character that had six. I tried closing the game and reopening it and tried rebooting my PS5 but it will not give me my six saves back, I even checked my system storage, and it only shows the 44 I still have.

Message 1 of 4 (263 Views)

Re: [PS5] DA:I Maximum number of saves reached error

Community Manager

@W0lfgirl Have you turned off the online storage option or gone offline and tried to start a new game to see if you get the same error?


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Message 2 of 4 (218 Views)

Re: [PS5] DA:I Maximum number of saves reached error

★★★★★ Novice

I haven't tried that. What I did do though, is delete a save and it let me start a new character. Then after that I tried saving new saves with existing characters and it let me. As soon as I tried to start a new game again however, the error came back. It will still let me use new save slots with my existing characters though. 

Message 3 of 4 (212 Views)

Re: [PS5] DA:I Maximum number of saves reached error

Community Manager

@W0lfgirl so this may come down to a few more things. PS5 won't let you back up saves to a USB like PS4 did, but you can move them to an external drive.


If you don't have one, you may have to start deleting older saves. Some of the auto saves can be removed, and the manual ones can be kept. It is coming down to save file room on the system or online storage. Some of them may need to go to get rid of the error.


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Message 4 of 4 (169 Views)