vicious slash animation bug

by justever

Original Post

vicious slash animation bug

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Product: Star Wars: The Old Republic
What is your Star Wars: The Old Republic Display Name? (optional) Justever237
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card?
What time did this happen? Please include the timezone. on-going
What class were you playing? Sith Juggernaut / Jedi Guardian
What role were you playing? Damage
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What happens when the bug occurs? When using the vicious slash ability, it will use the animation from the Marauder class instead of the correct animation for the last 10 years from Juggernaut.
What do you expect to see? I would expect to see the correct animation for Juggernaut class
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Press the vicious slash ability on juggernaut

The juggernaut ability vicious slash is using the wrong animation. The ability should grab the lightsaber with 2 hands and swing down but instead it acts out the 2 handed ability from Marauder even when you are not that class. This was acknowledged at some point early in the year on the bug tracker but then never got fixed and was removed.

Message 1 of 2 (974 Views)

Re: vicious slash animation bug




Just wanted to let you know I found the bug report here and as per the post on 10/8/23 it will be added to the known list issue.  Looks like from what I found it's in the 7.2 known issue list here.


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– Yoda

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