code shoe errror + abandon penalty


Original Post

Re: code shoe errror + abandon penalty

★★ Novice
@CollyV pretty much every game.
Message 11 of 15 (261 Views)

Error code shoe

★★★ Newbie

Title says it all, error code shoe, Apex Legends

Xbox one console,

Steps i tryed to fix it are as follows:

Changed dns, hard reset xbox,check ports, reset mac address, cleared local save data, reset router, tryed wifi and direct plug in,Cleared persistent storage, tryed different router,tryed different servers,even reinstalled the game, still same thing.

I get disconnected recive out of sync code shoe error it happens every game and what hurts even more is the 10 minute penalty that i get kills dont count but the death does, EAHelp told me to post the bug here and please dont copy and past the troubleshooting i've tryed it all

Message 12 of 15 (253 Views)

Re: code shoe errror + abandon penalty

★★★ Newbie

We’re they able to solve the issue ?

Message 13 of 15 (235 Views)

Re: code shoe errror + abandon penalty

★★★★ Apprentice


So for me I can replicate the issue

Start origin
Start Apex Legends
Choose Ranked
Hit loads screen or character selection screen and freezes.. then kicks me out to main Continue loading screen
Hit Continue on same server - fails to connect and gives me codeConfusednake
hit Tab to choose another server
Lets me in the game and tells me i Abandon the match...

Message 14 of 15 (227 Views)

Re: Error code shoe

★★★★★ Newbie
@lnspectorUm its 2024 and am still suffering with the issue
Message 15 of 15 (50 Views)