The EA App is Stuck On Preparing

by opposingsolo6

Original Post

Re: EA App is useless

★★★ Novice
@virtualbalboa_gg Bro ive got it. I installed the older version of origin and the game was there. I swear this stupid ea app is so trash and useless. I installed the 10.5.99 version of origin and turned off automatic updates. I am so releived.
Message 31 of 166 (2,046 Views)

preparing to download need for speed 2016

★★★ Newbie

i want to play nfs 2016 but it says preparing to donwload and it dosent do anything else, so i tought my internet is at fault and i tried downloading bf 3 and it went as expected without flaws, so i would like to know if its even possible to download nfs 2016 or is it shut down or something

Message 32 of 166 (2,002 Views)

WHY ? why can i not download/repair/launch/add to libary (FIFA23)

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post)
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Other (Please Describe)
Please describe download/ launch/ repair game/ add to libary (FIFA 23)
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 15/04/2023
Summarize your bug basically its FIFA23 alltogether only on my account. the game fails to download/launch/repair/ add to my libary. when manually added to my libary by an agent it displays trial version ended even tho i have ea pro memberhsip.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? im not really sure just take a look at my account?
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play fifa 23
What do you expect to see? me being able to play what ive paid for.

@EA_Shepard  so basically about 6 weeks ago i had renewed my ea pro membership, i then had to for some reason repair the game. i then realised i had 2 versions of fifa 23 downloaded on to my pc, one bein the trial version of the game. so i delted both games and proceeded to install it again. again i purchased the ea pro membership, i then got a bug where i could not launch the game it was displaying that my trail period was over and to purchase the game? anyway after talking to a customer service agent they told me to uninstall and then reinstall the game. this made things worse and when i uninstalled the game i found that i could not re install it again. it got stuck on preparing download to finally get an error messege saying download error. i also realise at this point that i could infact download any other game with ea pro membership and play them to problem. i could not even add fifa 23 to my libary manually. after a few weeks an agent actually got it to the point my game was in my libary and that i could launch the game. only to then say that i had restrictions with online features within fifa 23, obviously i have no bans or anything as i double checked with an agent. so finally i came up with an idea that i would get my brother to download fifa 23 on a diffrent pc using my account and to my shock it did not work still he got all the same errors i did. so even tho i knew it wasnt do to with my pc i still factory rest my whole pc. only to find the same errors. so i keep getting fake promises that this would be fixed by doing a certain troubleshoot. i have tried eveything agents have told me, over and over and over again for 6 weeks straight. ive paid 30 pounds in that time frame, i expect to have what i have paid for, now it must be somthing within my account that has a bug and i dont understand why the hell no one at ea can help me as it has obviously nothing to do with my pc. PLEASEEEEE HELP ME i will not rest untill my issue is fixed becuase quite frankly im being robbed at this moment.

Message 33 of 166 (2,186 Views)

Re: The EA app is stuck on preparing

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

Can you specify what you mean by everything? Like, all open application processes? Because there are a number of HP and Microsoft background tasks that I couldn't uninstall when I got it and they never let me close them. Sorry if I'm being dence, but I'm not great with software problems at the best of times.:


(cm edit - updated thread)


Message 34 of 166 (2,195 Views)

Re: WHY ? why can i not download/repair/launch/add to libary (FIFA23)

Community Manager

@iDontTouchGras93 What you are describing is an account issue not really a game issue. The specific errors you get may not show a ban, but anytime you get an error that is related to you are restricted, this means that a change to the account itself was made. This can be done by the games team for any game, or Terms of Service. You said that you spoke with support already and there were no bans, but this is something they would need to assist with. 

They can also help with any appeals in case the account was banned.  You can create an appeal here to get started with that process or you can simply contact shat again on the Help site and just put in an account related issue like I cant log in, or suspended account. Either way works but they will need to review the account with you.


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Message 35 of 166 (2,051 Views)

Re: WHY ? why can i not download/repair/launch/add to libary (FIFA23)

★★ Novice

No, it is a game issue tho. I am not banned and I have clarified this already with agents ect.. I belive its just due to some bug on my account within the app.. as its literally not even letting me download the game using my account. But in any other account it let's me.

Message 36 of 166 (2,049 Views)

Re: WHY ? why can i not download/repair/launch/add to libary (FIFA23)

Community Manager

Again, agents dont always see the ban on their end if its done from the studio side of things. I am more than happy to provide steps that may help but with the errors you pointed out, "restricted" means either you on your PC don't have permissions, or your EA account does not have permissions. So we would need screenshots of any any all errors you are getting in order to to begin to try and resolve this one with you.


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Message 37 of 166 (2,046 Views)

Re: WHY ? why can i not download/repair/launch/add to libary (FIFA23)

★★ Novice

ok well for starters when i go to download the game using my account its just stuck on preparing download to eventually just come up with download error.

i have got the game donwloaded already but when i try to launch the game it gives me the error "you dont have access to this game, someone else may have downloaded this title" and that about where my issues are at the moment.

Message 38 of 166 (2,032 Views)

Re: WHY ? why can i not download/repair/launch/add to libary (FIFA23)

Community Manager

@iDontTouchGras93 Do you happen to have more than one drive on your computer? 


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Message 39 of 166 (2,024 Views)

Re: WHY ? why can i not download/repair/launch/add to libary (FIFA23)

★★ Novice

So i only have obviously c drive and d drive that's all.. if you like I can provide you sine screen shots of everything I have come across ? Appreciate your help tho 🙏 as pretty much had no help what so ever thus far. 

Message 40 of 166 (2,003 Views)


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