Passing issue

by gzkqoe0hihlg

Original Post

FC Mobile Manger Mode - Passing issue

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Since June update, I have a lot of issues when playing manager mode. I have a team with all 104 players with all 30levels upgraded. And recently I keep loosing games to much lower rating teams, and more seriously, the passing of balls is unbelievably wrong, almost 5 -10 passed each game are either to the other side or outside. There must be something with the game and manger mode bug, it is so unfair and it needs to be fixed ASAP!!



Message 1 of 29 (437 Views)

Re: Manager model bug - passing so bad!!!

@712c2ed067cf3fb7 Manager mode has some issues that is for sure … if you prefer Manager Mode to the other modes in the game, maybe check out EA Tactical Football (available in the app stores)

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Message 2 of 29 (404 Views)

Re: Manager model bug - passing so bad!!!

★★ Novice
@mendozzamagic yes , the manager mode passing is so bad , in which the accuracy rate always maintains at 65-75%.
Message 3 of 29 (385 Views)

FC mobile manager mode passing bug

★★★★ Novice

My current rating is 104, and I have maintained a winning rate of 90% in the first 40 games of the FC Champion rank from the previous season. It is important to note that all the players have been upgraded compared to last season, and I have kept the same tactics. While I understand that bad passing can happen occasionally, I have noticed a significant increase in mis-passing after the division rival update this season. As a result, my overall enjoyment of the game has noticeably decreased. Despite winning the games, both my passes and those of my opponents feel terrible. 



Message 4 of 29 (375 Views)

Re: Manager model bug - passing so bad!!!

@blhh117 Yep - the team is looking into it - the AI hasn’t coped well with the recent update (which is great for pve but not so much manager mode)

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Message 5 of 29 (371 Views)

Re: Manager model bug - passing so bad!!!

★★★ Newbie

hopefully this got fixed soonest. I spent a lot of $$ building a team with all top players in the world, and they game like kindergarden boys...

Message 6 of 29 (338 Views)

Manager mode = Bad passing mode

★★★★ Apprentice

My team is 104 OVR and I have Zidane, Gullit, Matthaus, Messi, Cruyff etc. al ranked up to at least red and trained to lvl 25, so the finest cards when it comes to build up and passing...why do they constantly miss easy passes and lose the ball every three passes?


If I remember correctly there was an update that was meant to make passing more consistent in manager mode, and it had for a few weeks but that disappeared recently..

Message 7 of 29 (332 Views)

Re: Manager mode = Bad passing mode

@eoibqpw0vpnp Yep - the passing is better for users, but has created issues for AI … manager mode is AI vs AI, so it is even more inconsistent

The team is working on it

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Message 8 of 29 (313 Views)

Passing issue

★★★ Apprentice

There is issue with passing in Manager mode. No matter what kind of passing I set in my tactic, a good period of the game ball is being passed far away from a player and is being taken under control by an opponent. This happens with the opponent also, so it is not my environment or tactic. This is so annoying. Fix it, please.

Message 9 of 29 (332 Views)

FC mobile Manager mode passing issue

★★★★ Novice

My current rating is 104, and I have maintained a winning rate of 90% in the first 40 games of the FC Champion rank from the previous season. It is important to note that all the players have been upgraded compared to last season, and I have kept the same tactics. While I understand that mis-passing can happen occasionally, I have noticed a significant increase in mis-passing after the division rival update this season. As a result, my overall enjoyment of the game has noticeably decreased. Despite winning the games, both my passes and those of my opponents feel terrible.


The demonstration is here: 

Message 10 of 29 (315 Views)


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