Desler Explorer drop bug in CZ-198

by victormaker

Original Post

Desler Explorer drop bug in CZ-198

★★★★★ Newbie

Product: Star Wars: The Old Republic
What is your Star Wars: The Old Republic Display Name? (optional) Ashel Hazal
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card? gtx 1650
What time did this happen? Please include the timezone. 11h50m UTC
What class were you playing? Sith Assassin / Jedi Shadow
What role were you playing? Damage
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What happens when the bug occurs? The mob Martinique Desler does not drop the Desler Explorer mount.
What do you expect to see? The mount Desler Explorer dropped from Martinique Desler after defeating her.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to CZ-198, farm the mob Desler Assistant until Martinique Appears, and then defeat her. From what ive heard, the mount should always drop, but this did not happen.

Hello, good evening!


Ive been farming the Desler Assistant mob on CZ-198 for the chance of Martinique Desler to appear and to get the Desler Explorer mount from her. However, when she finally spawned and defeated, no mount drop was available (or any drop whatsoever). Ive heard from swtorista that this is a known bug for a little while, and Im sending possible proof of this bug happening (screenshot of battling her, screenshot of her defeated and screenshot of my empty inventory). Ive opened an ingame icket as well (id 39388623 ).


Character name -  Ashel Hazal

Server - Satelle Shan (Republic Side)

Time - around 11h50m UTC, 6h50m CT


Thank you in advance!

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