Badge didn't unlock even though it should have

by DYSPROssium

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Badge didn't unlock even though it should have


After a normal match, a badge should unlock, but it hasn't.



Got 20 kills but badge didn't unlock

Won as jumpmaster but no badge

Apex predator badge did not unlock




Most limited-time-modes make earning the badges easier, and therefore Respawn has disabled the ability to earn the badges during these modes.

This thread is devoted to badges that should have been earned in normal matches.



Lets together raise awareness for this bug.


In a comment to this post, describe which badge you should have gotten.

Post two screenshots in a comment to this thread:

  1. A screenshot of the end-of-round screen where you show that you have fulfilled the requirement of the badge (got 20 kills, 3000 damage, etc)
  2. A screenshot of the legend and the badge not having unlocked.

Thank you,


Message 307 of 2,217 (229,701 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Badge didn't unlock even though it should have

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

Thanks for all these recent reports.

This was passed on to the team as soon as I have further information, I will let you all know.


Marked as a solution for visibility purposes only as this issue is still being investigated




View in thread

Message 2013 of 2,217 (62,017 Views)

All Replies

Badges not unlocking

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

The Apex Predator Badge doesn’t seem to unlock.  I’ve been kill leader in 2 wins with 2 different characters and the badge didn’t unlock for either character.   I even got the Kill Leader xbox achievement the first game. 

Message 1 of 2,217 (234,911 Views)

Win with full squad not counting on Apex Legends

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

I've been winning quite a few games lately but my "wins with full squad" stat isn't updating. Is this normal?

Message 2 of 2,217 (221,043 Views)

Re: Wins not counting on Apex Legends

★★★★★ Novice

To win with full squad means to win with a full pre-made squad... perhaps you have just miss understood?

Message 3 of 2,217 (221,049 Views)

Re: Wins not counting on Apex Legends

★ Apprentice
yeah thats what i thought at the beginning but i've won while starting a match solo and still got the win under "wins with full squad". So that's not it. I think there was maybe a bug that wasnt tracking my wins?
Message 4 of 2,217 (221,044 Views)

Re: Wins not counting on Apex Legends

★★★ Newbie

I believe it is a win with full squad being alive. 

Message 5 of 2,217 (220,947 Views)

Triple Triple Badge Not Unlocked

[ Edited ]
★★ Newbie

Hey, i have made a ticket and was asked to post on the forums aswell, my problems consits in that im missing x2 badged that i earned, 1 is squad wipe, and the other one is Tripple tripple, and i made tripple tripple twice and it still failed to give the badge, coould you please take a look? 



Message 6 of 2,217 (234,607 Views)

The TEAM. WORK. badge isn't being given

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

As the title says basically. I've already done 3 and 5 kills each as full premade on many occasions yet it hasn't rewarded me or any of my squad members with it. In fact my last match before writing this post was 5/6/6.


We are all friends on Origin. We have all finished the matches without crashing.



TEAM. WORK. badge

Message 7 of 2,217 (231,434 Views)

Apex predator medal

★★★★ Novice

I just won a game as kill leader but didn't recieve the medal "Win a game while being kill leader", bug?

Message 8 of 2,217 (234,976 Views)

Re: Wins not counting on Apex Legends

★★★★ Novice
This would explain it in the following ways;
if you had a random squad, one is dead and spectating.. that would not count.
If you were solo, and you won, you are the squad and therefore it counts.

I had the same problem as OP, and this comment makes the most sense on why it would not count.
*feedback: make a tracker for overall wins [Character specific or not]
Message 9 of 2,217 (220,856 Views)