Be a Pro Ideas

by l8zgt0xb102l

Original Post

Be a Pro Ideas

★★ Novice

I usually only play offline. BAP and Franchise. 

BAP - can we have all star weekend. If I can see how many all star appearances I get, why can't I play it. It was in years past games, but not now. Winter Classic and Stadium Series would be nice. After year 1 the A.I picks at random what teams participate. Let us play a full or full seasons in juniors like NHL 20 and let us play in the AHL, if we are bad enough or team is too stacked and no room for you. Like if you get drafted by Tampa, you might have to play in the AHL longer because it's such a stacked team. Let us know when we get injured how long we are out for again it was in NHL 20, it sucks trying to guess when you come back. Draft Combine would be fun like basic passing, shooting drills and like a scrimmage game. HHOF would be a great inclusion. And don't have us named CAPTAIN AFTER 1 SEASON. Let us actually build chemistry with line mates, so we can have power duos like McDavid and Draistil. Include retired numbers so like when OVI retires no one else on the Capitals can wear 8. PLEASE TOUCH BAP FOR NHL 25. 24 was a step forward in gameplay but I'm dying to get offline updates especially for BAP. It's just little things that go a long way. 

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