Be A Pro

by 75b274c5d65dfaf9

Original Post

Be A Pro

★★★ Newbie

I haven't purchased an NHL game since the Skill Stick was introduced. It was too gimmicky and silly. So I waited until I heard from others that the new NHL felt more like actual skating.


I don't play any of those other modes - only Be A Pro. And it does feel like actual skating. The physics are phenomenal. Also, body checking feels like an actual 3D mass upon impact. Great!


Also, I like the icon passing.


That's it for the positive. Now for the negative.


Own Goals happen 1 or 2 times a season, not per week. That needs to go.


Every time my D tries to break it out, they inevitably hug the wall and run into a trap. This results in a turnover, and often a 2-man breakaway. Where is the other D man? This would never happen. If a D man gets into trouble, his 1st option is just to clear it off the glass or to pass to his D partner, who should be nearby.


Also, someone who actually plays hockey should teach you guys how to enter the attacking zone. I'll give you a hint: it's not by skating straight into the D and turning it over. It isn't attempting some stupid stick handle at the blue line, which forces everyone else offside. It is with speed. If the D won't let you in the middle, go wide. But go wide with speed.


Never once have I seen one of my AI teammates pull up along the half wall and look for trailer. Never once have I seen them dump & chase. Nope! Every time a 1-on-three and a turnover.


I think there needs to be a Team Page, a bulletin board which shows the goings on of my particular team. Was someone signed? Traded? Injured? Look it up on the team page. Also, a league-wide notice board, which would give every trade or signing of the season, ever suspension, etc.


And lastly, the contract situation is laughably bad and frustratingly brutal. As a free agent. I get 4 identical offers from teams I don't want to play for, each for 6 years! Could I negotiate down to one year or two years? Or go for the gusto and ask for 8!




Could I wait it out and wait for other offers to come in during the off-season? 


No, I gotta choose from one of those identical offers & play for some team I hate for the next 6 years.


Super frustrating. Takes all the fun out of the experience.

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