Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

by SterlingARCH3R

Original Post

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★★★ Novice
@SterlingARCH3R انت بطلي المفضل
Message 181 of 188 (7,395 Views)

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★ Novice


Message 182 of 188 (7,220 Views)

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★★★ Newbie

I’m gonna try some!…..

Message 183 of 188 (6,978 Views)

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★★★ Newbie

Nice! Very well put together!

Message 184 of 188 (6,393 Views)

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★★★★★ Newbie
@siamese_TOAD ye really interesting
Message 185 of 188 (6,066 Views)

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★★★★★ Expert
@SterlingARCH3R great work brother Standard smile
Message 186 of 188 (5,708 Views)

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★★★ Newbie

After easter eggs you can meet an ambitious game - a game that the creators approached with love

Great Job!

Message 187 of 188 (5,445 Views)

Re: Some BFV Easter Eggs Compilation

★★★ Newbie

Did anyone notice when you do this you can hear a T-Rex roaring every now and again, also if you go to the place where the dinosaur is floating above the plate you can see 16 small dinosaurs on the right,(or how ever many you have caught yet up to 16) then when you have all 16 if you build the Ammo supply you can catch the last dinosaur that was floating,refill ammo, then crate explodes and the small dinosaurs fall over apart from one that is now on a stone that appeared and had electric coming out of it for a few seconds

Message 188 of 188 (2,635 Views)