Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings

by SterlingARCH3R

Original Post

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings


@GUTENTAAAAG Both recommendations are to ensure every possible avenue that causes game performance to decrease. It may be negligible, or it may be a moderate effect. However, even if it's a small marginal increase in performance, a bunch of these little tweaks can add up big time.


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Message 21 of 44 (6,687 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings

★★★★★ Apprentice

What about the xbox one x 

Message 22 of 44 (6,535 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings


A new option was added to Graphics > Advanced - "FX AMOUNT". I set this to low.


Original post updated with the image below.






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Message 23 of 44 (6,337 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings


The following appears to have been a new feature added to Origin relatively recently. In order to prevent Origin In-Game from running, you must not only turn it off under Application Settings, but also for each individual game. Added to the original post.



Also, you must disable Origin In-Game on a per game basis.


Go to Origin > My Game Library > Right click the BFV game image > Select Game Properties:


  • "Enable Origin In-Game for Battlefield V": OFF






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Message 24 of 44 (5,882 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings


This one was so obvious that I completely overlooked it lol. Added to the original post. 



+ Wired > Wireless


Use a wired ethernet connection instead of a Wi-Fi connection. Wireless will inherently be slower and less reliable than a direct wire connection, all else constant. If your computer is a little too far from the modem to connect to, then it may prove worthwhile to invest in an (appropriate length) ethernet cable. If for some reason a wireless connection is the only option, then there are some settings on your modem-router that you can adjust yourself by going to "192.168.01" via your browsers address. There you can adjust a myriad settings to your router to help mitigate connectivity issues, such as limiting which devices have access to your router, establishing a proper Wi-Fi password, and removing guest accounts (i.e. is someone leeching off your internet?), along with more advanced options that require of you to research your specific device further.


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Message 25 of 44 (5,690 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings

★ Guide

I had inadvertently overclocked my Ryzen 1700x to the max through MSI's UEFI configuration screen. This caused frequent kernel power failures and subsequent PC crashes. I corrected that situation. And yes, everytime I've tried a config file I have placed it in the root directory. It still gets ignored. I have gotten the game to run a lot better graphically with a new Radeon VII w/16gb of video RAM. However, regardless of what settings I configure with video options, the game will still freeze and then crash to the desktop. Although not as frequently. Maybe its a Windows/BFV.exe thing. All I know is it continues to happen. And, it can happen when I'm not even in a game. Although the usual crash occurs during a game.

Message 26 of 44 (5,616 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings


@MoonUtonight Yeah I've noticed that low RAM availability or high RAM use will cause the game to freeze and crash. After I turned MSI Afterburner off, the frequency of crashes diminished dramatically. Another factor may be your modem. At least for me, I've noticed that I get a lot of latency variation warnings while in game. If you do get latency variation warnings in-game (the symbol looks like a circular arrow with an X), then it may be a good idea to check your modem's connectivity. You may also want to upgrade your modem if your modem isn't newer or as capable. 


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Message 27 of 44 (5,581 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings

★ Guide

I have Xfinity's latest modem/router. Generally I get a ping of around 20. Although after the last update, it seemed everyone was experiencing higher than normal pings. I don't see much of the game warning symbols anymore. Maybe a frame rate warning now and then. But even those have diminished since I am now keeping AMD's free sync on all the time. The game will still just freeze and crash in the middle of a game. But, not as often. I will uninstall and reinstall the game after running DISM and SFC on Windows. To make sure system files aren't corrupt. Or, I'll run repair and reboot. This usually takes care of the issue for awhile at least. It also doesn't seem to matter how I change settings in either the game properties or in Origin. It is still a mystery to me.

Message 28 of 44 (5,574 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings

[ Edited ]

This one's more of a fix/troubleshooting but I've found it common enough on certain modem/router devices that it warrants a mention.


+ Latency Variation (FIX)- If you get the symbol below, you are having latency variation issues. That basically means that your latency, or "ping", is not consistent enough and jumps around, which may be responsible for a significant amount of lag on your end. To resolve this issue, I've found that a hard reset of the modem/router works best.


1. Unplug your modem's power for 5 minutes.

2. Plug it back in, and wait 2 minutes as it loads back up.

3. Repeat these first 2 steps for the router.


If you have a modem-and-router-in-one, then you can ignore step 3. If you're still experiencing issues with your modem, then you may want to dig a bit deeper and see if it may be a hardware issue.


Jump below to "What different in-game symbols mean" to see the complete list of symbols. Note, the image below shows you the latency variation image in BFV, which is a bit different from what you see in the image (which is from BF1).


Latency Variation symbol.png


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Message 29 of 44 (5,537 Views)

Re: Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

Best of all is power, example of the power I'm pumping is crazy.

Running m.2 raid

130 watts of dedicated cpu power

tpu 3

1500 watt psu

3603 xmp extreme profile

200fps and better sli bf5

Most importantly never install any windows update

all other settings dont matter with this type of power.

My graph chart is a steady power bar with little to no -+

Proof that those claim windows 10 and overclocking is havoc. I beg to differ. These numbers are not temporary number

Task bar left to right in the pic

00 ingnore

cpu temps

cpu 1

cpu 2

cpu 3

cpu 4

cpu 5

cpu 6

cpu 7

------- with 100pecent cpu usages

and gpu

gpu 0

gpu 1



Message 30 of 44 (4,303 Views)