Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

by T0TALfps

Original Post

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@T0TALfpsCould you PLEASE swap the Support and Engineer weapon proficiencies!? Support class should be encouraged to use LMGs. Engineer class should be encouraged to use SMGs. That is Battlefield.

I can't be the only one who thinks it's stupid to encourage medics to rush the front lines with close range SMGs. It's important medics don't die first, so why encourage them to use the guns that require you to be in the enemy's face, even closer than assault player/rifles? Like in BF1, they should be encouraged to fight at medium range behind their assault players, so they can pick up fallen allies and just generally see their teammates who needs help. Give them the LMG proficiency to encourage that playstyle.

Message 11 of 44 (1,715 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

★★ Novice

all of this is awesome, and from what im reading im loving it, i only hope my favorite XM8 AR gets put in and ill be set Standard smile

Message 12 of 44 (1,705 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

★ Apprentice

None of this is even remotely useful. Sure, from the Beta people have been screaming their heads off about the Specialists - only to buy the game anyway, just so they could scream some more and threaten with refunds or, in some extreme cases, even a freaking class action against DICE - but those people will not come back to the game just because you've half-assed a Class system that's not on par with that found in any other Battlefield. On the other hands, those of us that have stuck with you from the very beginning will just see more of what's already happening:

- Assaults: using the most powerful guns in the game, while most of the time camping in the worst places imaginable, will just continue to do that, just with more ammo at their disposal;
- Engineers: already, people playing with LMGs spend most of their time prone in this or that bush, so you're just encouraging them to do it MORE; the only good thing about this is that Irish will not be a Support anymore, but it's marginal: players with Irish will still create forts with shields and the trophy system to then proceed to camp;
- Supports: way to give Support players the worst passive you could've think of; on a theoretical basis, you're saying that an icon above their heads will make them even more of a target than they already are... so what do you do? Oh, yes. Give them a useless passive. And yes, I am aware that most support players only choose the class to have heals and ammo at their disposal at any moment, just like in BFV they would choose the medic to use the Type 2A - so much so, that they had to introduce the mechanic by which you could take heals (and ammo from supports) for yourself just by going near a medic and clickling the relative prompt button. People that thinks that these problems have only arose because BF 2042 and its Specialists are kidding themselves.
- Recons: already, the Snipers camping *everywhere* are countless; now you're just making it more easy for them to get kills. Faboulous.

TL;DR: this changes will only make the experience more annoying for the players that have stuck with the game from the start, all in the hopes of buffing the playerbase - something that will not happen, because the complainers have stopped playing the game because of the Specialists... and they're still there. If you want your players back, you need to remove the Specialists and bring a proper class system to the table. But it's not possible, and I understand that. I, for one, did not mind the Specialists at all. I also understand why the majority of people would... too bad they're also the same people griping about COD players "only wanting to play the same thing over and over again", because guess what? They're doing the exact same thing.

Message 13 of 44 (1,665 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

★★★★ Novice

Hey, Devs. How about giving the Recon class the ability to spawn on any friendly insert beacon. This would really bump up the team play, and help out the movement speeds around the map. 

Message 14 of 44 (1,652 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

★ Novice

I'm just waiting for Platoons to return. Why even get rid of it ?!

Message 15 of 44 (1,631 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

★ Apprentice

Hello Team,


Some points I noticed and I hope to get your reply. 


1) Assault class gadget and proficiency 


Extra ammunition + med pen + armor -> that's an anti teamwork class. 


Class gadgets are always team supporting. Besides Assault.  Therefore recommended change:


Assault: Spawn beacon (as Assault is on frontlines)

Recon: SOFLAM (supports engineers)


Alternatively ammo box for Assault. 


So Assault can only choose armor or med pen. 🤔 


2) class-based loadouts


Concerned about LIZ always have problems when selected after selecting another's engineer with rocker launcher.


Recommended: Liz should have her own loadout, so there are no manual changes needed each time we switch  engineer specialists.


3) Specialists as classes


Please add grunts (soldiers) additional to Specialists. More people will come back to use them.


Currently soldiers are only bots, who are not popular with players. Seeing all videos and BF2042 back story it makes sense to add them additionally, changing the battlefield to a real war and not a special commando.


Also, you can create and sell additional skins for grunts.





Message 16 of 44 (1,578 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

On further thought, these changes really further the need to branch out to 5 classes, instead of the 4 in game. The 5 classes should be:

1. Assault - Assault Stuff
2.Engineer - Vehicle Interactions/buildable
3. Medic - Heal/Revive
4. Support - Ammo/Defense/Fortify
5. Recon - Scout/Intel

The biggest issue with Support currently, is that it is 2 roles in one class, whereas all other roles just have 1. Right now, there are really only 2 Supports that either resupply or setup defenses in the game, which are Angel and soon to be Irish. Then there is Falck, which IS the only Medic in the game. Sadly this will probably never see the day of light in BF 2042, and hopefully the next title has a class split like this.

Message 17 of 44 (1,507 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

I'm agree with you wholeheartedly, swap LMG proficiency to support and SMG to engineer!

Believe the engineer has focused on close-range weaponry and support focused on LMGs since BF2, so not sure why we're changing that now.



Message 18 of 44 (1,457 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

★ Guide
@Jason_Alexandre Are they seriously asking for the advantage of a doctor to lie face down? Do they want to see fewer people helping?
Message 19 of 44 (1,365 Views)

Re: Dev Notes - Return to the Class System

★ Guide
@Totenkrieger75 I think currently the support class can perform that function very well. I have Falck with an ammo box, Angel with a first aid kit and I'm always at the top of the table for the amount of points generated, for me it's not a problem.
Message 20 of 44 (1,360 Views)


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