Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

by Straatford87

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Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

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Champion (Retired)

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Message 71 of 154 (2,592 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★ Guide

Meet 'Henry' .

He's my Support Soldier in BFV , with a knack for Flak Gun AAing .

Just a regular Soldier is Henry , but for this one small difference :

He uses the available guns-take-longer-to-overheat special feature .

It's a nice perk with the M1919 but it's a definite must-have when on SAA's .

This leaves him as a (so-so) Support Soldier-with-perk if he shows up at the Front .

But it (and skill) also turns him into a 'Specialist' if he happens to sit in that AA seat .

. . .


Henry's toast - I just switched the character model over to 'Julie' .

. . .

Meet 'Julie' .

She's my . . . 

ahhhh you know the rest .


Nothing else changed .

Message 72 of 154 (2,578 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★ Newbie

It's sort of like BF4 where you need utility from other classes to survive very long, if that is the case with enough teammates on your squad it could be very strategic and make the game more challenging so you don't get unbalanced teams where one team has a player with 100 kills and is carrying the game. Without the utility and team effort i don't think it will be possible to carry a team so everyone on the team adds effort which effectively might improve the gaming experience for everyone.

Message 73 of 154 (2,540 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★ Newbie

I'm sure all BF fans want to experience the good old days on BF4 and BF3. Right now it seems like we are gonna get what we want, as long as EA listens to the community I,m sure this will be one of the best battlefield games ever. I love the concept of the game, I get a BF4 vibe with the fighter jets and robots and we haven't had that sort of BF in 7 years now so I'm glad we have a modern game, I,m sure it's gonna have the important elements from BF4. I just hope they don't flop this game because right now it looks very promising.

Message 74 of 154 (2,533 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★★ Novice

Hey EA Community Staff,


So far the reveal and all the gameplay looks awesome! Can't wait for it to release already!


However, I do have one simple question, not sure if other people in the community has asked about it yet.


So the question is Level Progression, I remember in BF5 players only can reach to LVL50 at the beginning of the launch, then the level cap increased afterwards.


In this case, what will be the level cap at the beginning of the launch? Since I know Battle Pass system is going to be in the game, so I will assume the level cap won't be as low as 50, correct?


Look forward to hear back from you guys soon with more info. 

Message 75 of 154 (2,516 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★ Guide
@Straatford87 Give people the ability to create an offline server with bots like they did in Battlefield 2. Since not many have a good internet connection.
Message 76 of 154 (2,501 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★ Apprentice

A few things I mentioned in previous posts but this looks like the correct place to post - 


A way to disable cosmetics: at some point, there will be a cosmetic/skin that some feel is too obtrusive, so adding a disable cosmetics option to play "more realistically" would be greatly appreciated


A satisfying but not brutal unlock/achievement mechanic: BFV's 4 tiers for weapons and 4-6 for vehicles did not keep me coming back, especially when the tank and airplane dog tags were 600 kills combined, However, Hardlines 1250 kills to unlock weapon licenses seems to be a bit overkill.  Having something to work toward without it being so difficult to be demotivating.


Plus system animations: apparently one can do a caliber change without changing any parts? I'm not sure if I'm in the minority here but I cringed when I saw the magnified optic switch to an RDS as if by magic.  Maybe after selecting changes, the player then goes into a state where they can move but are going through the sight swap/flashlight attachment/etc. animation. This way there's more at stake when deciding to swap parts, meaning one can't quick-swap to the best kit instantly in any scenario


Finally a return of the hardline Tazer and a Boston Dynamics killer-doggo skin Standard smile JKJK BFH T62 = OP







Message 77 of 154 (2,482 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★ Guide
@Straatford87 The first Briefing was great, very interesting to hear Dice's thoughts and experience with battlefield 2042. Would also like to hear more about air vehicles (jets and helicopters) and potentially regarding server browser/(custom servers) in upcoming briefings
Message 78 of 154 (2,468 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★ Apprentice

So what are EA and Dice going to do about the hacker issues?  It is my understanding that some of the source code for the new title has already been accessed by the hackers so this seems like it will be an ongoing problem with this title as it has been in BFV.  I am not sure I will putting my hand in my pocket again for a game that has more cheating than players.

Message 79 of 154 (2,456 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★ Guide

Please bring back custom emblems ala BF4. I still have mine stored in the BF app (by all means have a report function)


bring back total destruction and don’t change if people start crying. I remember when you moved Mcoms to outside buildings as people cried others were doing long range demolitions in bad company All part of the game and you adapt your attack/defence. 

Message 80 of 154 (2,413 Views)


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