My emblem is not visible

by JohnWiiiiickk

Original Post

My emblem is not visible

★★★ Newbie

My emblem is missing since I opened Battlelog yesterday,it no longer visible on vehicles and emblem was made by companion and I've never made or equipped a emblem on Battlelog. I tried to make a new one in companion and then equip and delete it, but I couldn't get my emblem back.Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Message 1 of 3 (494 Views)

Re: My emblem is not visible

★ Apprentice

Hi!. you are not the only one. Many users we have the same problem, i have been desconnected from battlelog for one year ago, now i can't connect again and nobady from ea have response from that. i tried all i could but nothing has result. i'm ps3 user and just BF hardline's battlelog it's working, but BF4 battlelog doesn't works. I hope have some response by EA in a short time.

Message 2 of 3 (462 Views)

Re: My emblem is not visible

★★★ Newbie
@Autobot_Warrior I just tried Battlefield 1 and the emblem appears normal and replaceable. I'm almost sure Battlelog caused my emblem to disappear. I hardly use Battlelog in the game, I accidentally opened it and my emblem disappeared.
Message 3 of 3 (439 Views)