How to run game in x86?

by Ryxell

Original Post

How to run game in x86?

★ Novice

Hello, since Origin turned into the EA app, I can't see any options when I go into my library > game of my interest > manage. There is no option to choose between x64 and x86. I can only see advanced launch options where I can write something. So my question is: how can I run Battlefield 4 in x86 mode like before? Basically, the game used to launch the Battlelog, and then Battlelog would launch the game. Any help?

Message 1 of 2 (181 Views)

Re: How to run game in x86?

★★★★★ Guide

Hello @Ryxell,


Battlelog has not been supported for a long time now. Launching Battlefield 4 you will directly load the game, not Battlelog anymore. If you want to access Battlelog you can still do it by searching on Google, also if you play Battlefield 3 Battlelog is still used to play the game.


As for the mentioned x86 and x64, they have nothing to do with Battlelog. I highly recommend that you don't use the X86 since it will most likely impact your game performance and experience negatively.


Best regards,




Message 2 of 2 (157 Views)