Glock 18,Shorty12G,Beretta 93R and AEK971 kick admin?!?!

by im19825

Original Post

Glock 18,Shorty12G,Beretta 93R and AEK971 kick admin?!?!

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice


The nature of the problem is that if I choose these weapons, some servers immediately throw me out because they consider it "cheating"
Why would it be cheating?
Is it because they are high rate of fire weapons?
But you can also choose them freely, no one restricts you, so why am I restricted?
I didn't buy the game and the many accessories online to be unnecessarily banned from the servers because of it
In a real war in the real life anyway, things happen that are forbidden even by the code of warfare, not to mention that you can't play the game because of a few automatic weapons
Please stop this, anyone who buys the game can play with these weapons, there is no disadvantage to any enemy player there is no cheating

Thank you

Message 1 of 2 (288 Views)

Re: Glock 18,Shorty12G,Beretta 93R and AEK971 kick admin?!?!

★★★★★ Guide

Hello @im19825,


Servers are privately owned in Battlefield 4, the server owners have the ability enforce any rule they want (even restricting weapons). You should contact the server owner if you were banned on that specific server, EA has nothing to do with this.


Best regards,


Message 2 of 2 (276 Views)