Command & Conquer dür die ps5?

von Panda29490


Command & Conquer dür die ps5?

★★★ Newbie

Hi meine frage ist eigentlich gabz simpel und doch findet man nirgendwo eine Antwort drauf.

Dürfen Konsolenspiele sich auch drauf freuen bald endlich mal wieder einen echtzeit Strategie Krieg führen zu können oder bleibt uns dieses wohl vergönnt.


Falls einer dazu Infos oder Quellen hat wäre ichexht dankbar

Nachricht 1 von 2 (1.471 Ansichten)
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Re: Command & Conquer dür die ps5?

★★ Novice

Sadly no, command and conquer is no longer profitable. Xbox already has a couple of older titles on the game pass and sony don't have the rights to publish on the play station platform. Westwood studios who created the legendary games back in the mid late 90's was defunct by 2003, EA purchased the studio and in turn the rights over the franchise. The later games were often rushed or failed to meet deadlines hence we got CNC 4 with little or no base building and required an internet connection to play single player. EA have further cut down on staff and available resources, so I doubt we see any command and conquer game in the near future.  I would highly recommend watching the GVMERS documentary explaining this in greater detail named "The rise and fall of command and conquer". At this rate we will be lucky to see another battlefield or mass effect game. Personally I feel command and conquer is meant to played on PC, it is only the modding community that is keeping the franchise going at the moment. 

Nachricht 2 von 2 (1.459 Ansichten)
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