How to be a Hero

by Aspera-SuPeRAaP

Original Post

How to be a Hero

★★★ Guide

Hello ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ,

I was wondering are people still getting the Hero status? What do you have to do to get a Hero status? How to be a Hero? Read all the threads here and can see some tips and guidance with helping people. This will help allot. But the main question is still How? What does it take to be one? Please leave a repley with some information about this.

I will see you on the battlefield!


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Accepteer een oplossing als het probleem verholpen is. XP is altijd welkom en is altijd fijn om te krijgen. Ik werk niet voor EA of doe iets samen met EA. Vragen horen hier op het Answer HQ en niet in mijn PM box.


Message 1 of 28 (40,529 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

[ Edited ]
Hero (Retired)

Heroes are hand picked people... You need tons of XP and helping to be one of the heroes and get chosen. Confusedmileyhappy:

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Message 2 of 28 (40,339 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert



Yes, Heroes are still being picked. Every month there is a review and list is made of the users (CMs make this), then they are reviewed and maybe granted a Hero status (this review happens around 15th, every month). 


You can see more details here: .





Sorry, but that is completely wrong. How much XP you have does not matter (not even 1%), nor does your post count. Quality of your helping, attitude, nice behavior, knowledge that you provide other users and some few more things, that is what matters and that is what is being looked at (when a Hero is being reviewed).


XP count and post count, wont get you near the Hero program (but the above stuff will).Confusedmileywink:

Message 3 of 28 (40,337 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

Community Manager (retired)
To add to this, xp and post count do not a Hero make, but they're a nice way to keep track of your own achievements.

In the end, though, we're interested in people, not numbers. Standard smile
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Message 4 of 28 (40,313 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

[ Edited ]
Hero (Retired)

@XXXO77O4906 wrote:



Yes, Heroes are still being picked. Every month there is a review and list is made of the users (CMs make this), then they are reviewed and maybe granted a Hero status (this review happens around 15th, every month). 


You can see more details here: .





Sorry, but that is completely wrong. Who much XP you have does not matter (not even 1%), nor does your post count. Quality of your helping, attitude, nice behavior, knowledge that you provide other users and some few more things, that is what matters and that is what is being looked at (when a Hero is being reviewed).


XP count and post count, wont get you near the Hero program (but the above stuff will).Confusedmileywink:


I did not mean that, I meant having lots of XP and posts for helping people gives you priveledge too, having 1 post and 1 xp won't make yourself to be one of the hero right?


From time to time I believe it is more messed up - guy with less posts and XP is higher rank than me... So higher ranks are chosen too? This is messed up Confusedmileyhappy:

Message 5 of 28 (40,294 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

Again, you can have 0 XP and be a Hero.


Now about post count, I said:


" Quality of your helping, attitude, nice behavior, knowledge that you provide other users and some few more things, that is what matters and that is what is being looked at (when a Hero is being reviewed)."


This pretty much says you cant be a Hero with 1 post, but that does not mean you will be a Hero with 10.000, or 5.000 posts. The way you help is what counts, you can already be a Hero with less then 50 posts (only if in does 50 or less, you have shown outstanding help to others).



You also do not get any priveledges with high number of XP and posts, only a higher rank (which wont help you in anyway to become a Hero). Ranks grant a few customizations to your profile and that is all you get from them. To be a Hero, you need to do much more and proof yourself worthy of the title.Confusedmileywink:

Message 6 of 28 (40,286 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

[ Edited ]
Hero (Retired)

It doesnt matter of your XP couns as xxo said, Accepted solutions or ranking don't count either. You could have a million XP and not be a hero. Its more based on your posts and the quality of them. If you are just copy pasting the same replies over and over on most threads your chances go down. Sure its fine to do that if its what actually needs to be done like for example if someone's account is hacked you can link them support cause we can't help on here with that, but if not then explain how to do something and help the person out with clear examples and screenshots if nessasary which is kind of obvious already. 


I hope to aventually become a hero on here as i think i could only benefit the site, i guess that is your plans also for the future @Aspera-SuPeRAaP 


@THISaint If you are talking about the chosen rank, it has some more requirements to get i think, Just not going to say it.

Message 7 of 28 (40,264 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

Hero (Retired)

I thought accepted solutions helped your rank up to a certain extent but perhaps not? 

Message 8 of 28 (40,231 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

Hero (Retired)

@Andromache2013 wrote:

I thought accepted solutions helped your rank up to a certain extent but perhaps not? 

Have no idea, haven't become Habringer (Hamburger as I call) for weeks already... While the guy has lower XP and all the other stuff than me...

Message 9 of 28 (40,221 Views)

Re: How to be a Hero

Hero (Retired)

To be honest, (and talking from personal experience here) having less XP than someone else doesn't mean that you shouldn't be a hero before them. Look at my XP count for crying out loud. I'd probably have over a thousand if all the people who had serial code issues had bothered to come back and thank me for responding to their problem - include the solutions in that as well. I feel terribly embarrassed but I know that I still try my best and obviously that meant something when I was chosen. Confusedmileyhappy:


With the accepted solutions - I believe it's in the very much lower ranks - nowhere near Harbinger and Chosen 

Message 10 of 28 (40,221 Views)


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