blob: 27f8ef6988f5849c240d65abb0dc7f9888db4cdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! This crate implements the `IKeystoreOperation` AIDL interface, which represents
//! an ongoing key operation, as well as the operation database, which is mainly
//! required for tracking operations for the purpose of pruning.
//! This crate also implements an operation pruning strategy.
//! Operations implement the API calls update, finish, and abort.
//! Additionally, an operation can be dropped and pruned. The former
//! happens if the client deletes a binder to the operation object.
//! An existing operation may get pruned when running out of operation
//! slots and a new operation takes precedence.
//! ## Operation Lifecycle
//! An operation gets created when the client calls `IKeystoreSecurityLevel::create`.
//! It may receive zero or more update request. The lifecycle ends when:
//! * `update` yields an error.
//! * `finish` is called.
//! * `abort` is called.
//! * The operation gets dropped.
//! * The operation gets pruned.
//! `Operation` has an `Outcome` member. While the outcome is `Outcome::Unknown`,
//! the operation is active and in a good state. Any of the above conditions may
//! change the outcome to one of the defined outcomes Success, Abort, Dropped,
//! Pruned, or ErrorCode. The latter is chosen in the case of an unexpected error, during
//! `update` or `finish`. `Success` is chosen iff `finish` completes without error.
//! Note that all operations get dropped eventually in the sense that they lose
//! their last reference and get destroyed. At that point, the fate of the operation
//! gets logged. However, an operation will transition to `Outcome::Dropped` iff
//! the operation was still active (`Outcome::Unknown`) at that time.
//! ## Operation Dropping
//! To observe the dropping of an operation, we have to make sure that there
//! are no strong references to the IBinder representing this operation.
//! This would be simple enough if the operation object would need to be accessed
//! only by transactions. But to perform pruning, we have to retain a reference to the
//! original operation object.
//! ## Operation Pruning
//! Pruning an operation happens during the creation of a new operation.
//! We have to iterate through the operation database to find a suitable
//! candidate. Then we abort and finalize this operation setting its outcome to
//! `Outcome::Pruned`. The corresponding KeyMint operation slot will have been freed
//! up at this point, but the `Operation` object lingers. When the client
//! attempts to use the operation again they will receive
//! ErrorCode::INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE indicating that the operation no longer
//! exits. This should be the cue for the client to destroy its binder.
//! At that point the operation gets dropped.
//! ## Architecture
//! The `IKeystoreOperation` trait is implemented by `KeystoreOperation`.
//! This acts as a proxy object holding a strong reference to actual operation
//! implementation `Operation`.
//! ```
//! struct KeystoreOperation {
//! operation: Mutex<Option<Arc<Operation>>>,
//! }
//! ```
//! The `Mutex` serves two purposes. It provides interior mutability allowing
//! us to set the Option to None. We do this when the life cycle ends during
//! a call to `update`, `finish`, or `abort`. As a result most of the Operation
//! related resources are freed. The `KeystoreOperation` proxy object still
//! lingers until dropped by the client.
//! The second purpose is to protect operations against concurrent usage.
//! Failing to lock this mutex yields `ResponseCode::OPERATION_BUSY` and indicates
//! a programming error in the client.
//! Note that the Mutex only protects the operation against concurrent client calls.
//! We still retain weak references to the operation in the operation database:
//! ```
//! struct OperationDb {
//! operations: Mutex<Vec<Weak<Operation>>>
//! }
//! ```
//! This allows us to access the operations for the purpose of pruning.
//! We do this in three phases.
//! 1. We gather the pruning information. Besides non mutable information,
//! we access `last_usage` which is protected by a mutex.
//! We only lock this mutex for single statements at a time. During
//! this phase we hold the operation db lock.
//! 2. We choose a pruning candidate by computing the pruning resistance
//! of each operation. We do this entirely with information we now
//! have on the stack without holding any locks.
//! (See `OperationDb::prune` for more details on the pruning strategy.)
//! 3. During pruning we briefly lock the operation database again to get the
//! the pruning candidate by index. We then attempt to abort the candidate.
//! If the candidate was touched in the meantime or is currently fulfilling
//! a request (i.e., the client calls update, finish, or abort),
//! we go back to 1 and try again.
//! So the outer Mutex in `KeystoreOperation::operation` only protects
//! operations against concurrent client calls but not against concurrent
//! pruning attempts. This is what the `Operation::outcome` mutex is used for.
//! ```
//! struct Operation {
//! ...
//! outcome: Mutex<Outcome>,
//! ...
//! }
//! ```
//! Any request that can change the outcome, i.e., `update`, `finish`, `abort`,
//! `drop`, and `prune` has to take the outcome lock and check if the outcome
//! is still `Outcome::Unknown` before entering. `prune` is special in that
//! it will `try_lock`, because we don't want to be blocked on a potentially
//! long running request at another operation. If it fails to get the lock
//! the operation is either being touched, which changes its pruning resistance,
//! or it transitions to its end-of-life, which means we may get a free slot.
//! Either way, we have to revaluate the pruning scores.
use crate::enforcements::AuthInfo;
use crate::error::{
error_to_serialized_error, into_binder, into_logged_binder, map_km_error, Error, ErrorCode,
ResponseCode, SerializedError,
use crate::ks_err;
use crate::metrics_store::log_key_operation_event_stats;
use crate::utils::watchdog as wd;
use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::{
IKeyMintOperation::IKeyMintOperation, KeyParameter::KeyParameter, KeyPurpose::KeyPurpose,
use android_hardware_security_keymint::binder::{BinderFeatures, Strong};
use android_system_keystore2::aidl::android::system::keystore2::{
IKeystoreOperation::BnKeystoreOperation, IKeystoreOperation::IKeystoreOperation,
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard, Weak},
/// Operations have `Outcome::Unknown` as long as they are active. They transition
/// to one of the other variants exactly once. The distinction in outcome is mainly
/// for the statistic.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Outcome {
/// Operations have `Outcome::Unknown` as long as they are active.
/// Operation is successful.
/// Operation is aborted.
/// Operation is dropped.
/// Operation is pruned.
/// Operation is failed with the error code.
/// Operation bundles all of the operation related resources and tracks the operation's
/// outcome.
pub struct Operation {
// The index of this operation in the OperationDb.
index: usize,
km_op: Strong<dyn IKeyMintOperation>,
last_usage: Mutex<Instant>,
outcome: Mutex<Outcome>,
owner: u32, // Uid of the operation's owner.
auth_info: Mutex<AuthInfo>,
forced: bool,
logging_info: LoggingInfo,
/// Keeps track of the information required for logging operations.
pub struct LoggingInfo {
sec_level: SecurityLevel,
purpose: KeyPurpose,
op_params: Vec<KeyParameter>,
key_upgraded: bool,
impl LoggingInfo {
/// Constructor
pub fn new(
sec_level: SecurityLevel,
purpose: KeyPurpose,
op_params: Vec<KeyParameter>,
key_upgraded: bool,
) -> LoggingInfo {
Self { sec_level, purpose, op_params, key_upgraded }
struct PruningInfo {
last_usage: Instant,
owner: u32,
index: usize,
forced: bool,
// We don't except more than 32KiB of data in `update`, `updateAad`, and `finish`.
const MAX_RECEIVE_DATA: usize = 0x8000;
impl Operation {
/// Constructor
pub fn new(
index: usize,
km_op: binder::Strong<dyn IKeyMintOperation>,
owner: u32,
auth_info: AuthInfo,
forced: bool,
logging_info: LoggingInfo,
) -> Self {
Self {
last_usage: Mutex::new(Instant::now()),
outcome: Mutex::new(Outcome::Unknown),
auth_info: Mutex::new(auth_info),
fn get_pruning_info(&self) -> Option<PruningInfo> {
// An operation may be finalized.
if let Ok(guard) = self.outcome.try_lock() {
match *guard {
Outcome::Unknown => {}
// If the outcome is any other than unknown, it has been finalized,
// and we can no longer consider it for pruning.
_ => return None,
// Else: If we could not grab the lock, this means that the operation is currently
// being used and it may be transitioning to finalized or it was simply updated.
// In any case it is fair game to consider it for pruning. If the operation
// transitioned to a final state, we will notice when we attempt to prune, and
// a subsequent attempt to create a new operation will succeed.
Some(PruningInfo {
// Expect safety:
// `last_usage` is locked only for primitive single line statements.
// There is no chance to panic and poison the mutex.
last_usage: *self.last_usage.lock().expect("In get_pruning_info."),
owner: self.owner,
index: self.index,
forced: self.forced,
fn prune(&self, last_usage: Instant) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut locked_outcome = match self.outcome.try_lock() {
Ok(guard) => match *guard {
Outcome::Unknown => guard,
_ => return Err(Error::Km(ErrorCode::INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE)),
Err(_) => return Err(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::OPERATION_BUSY)),
// In `OperationDb::prune`, which is our caller, we first gather the pruning
// information including the last usage. When we select a candidate
// we call `prune` on that candidate passing the last_usage
// that we gathered earlier. If the actual last usage
// has changed since than, it means the operation was busy in the
// meantime, which means that we have to reevaluate the pruning score.
// Expect safety:
// `last_usage` is locked only for primitive single line statements.
// There is no chance to panic and poison the mutex.
if *self.last_usage.lock().expect("In Operation::prune()") != last_usage {
return Err(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::OPERATION_BUSY));
*locked_outcome = Outcome::Pruned;
let _wp = wd::watch("Operation::prune: calling IKeyMintOperation::abort()");
// We abort the operation. If there was an error we log it but ignore it.
if let Err(e) = map_km_error(self.km_op.abort()) {
log::warn!("In prune: KeyMint::abort failed with {:?}.", e);
// This function takes a Result from a KeyMint call and inspects it for errors.
// If an error was found it updates the given `locked_outcome` accordingly.
// It forwards the Result unmodified.
// The precondition to this call must be *locked_outcome == Outcome::Unknown.
// Ideally the `locked_outcome` came from a successful call to `check_active`
// see below.
fn update_outcome<T>(
locked_outcome: &mut Outcome,
err: Result<T, Error>,
) -> Result<T, Error> {
match &err {
Err(e) => *locked_outcome = Outcome::ErrorCode(error_to_serialized_error(e)),
Ok(_) => (),
// This function grabs the outcome lock and checks the current outcome state.
// If the outcome is still `Outcome::Unknown`, this function returns
// the locked outcome for further updates. In any other case it returns
// ErrorCode::INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE indicating that this operation has
// been finalized and is no longer active.
fn check_active(&self) -> Result<MutexGuard<Outcome>> {
let guard = self.outcome.lock().expect("In check_active.");
match *guard {
Outcome::Unknown => Ok(guard),
_ => Err(Error::Km(ErrorCode::INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE))
.context(ks_err!("Call on finalized operation with outcome: {:?}.", *guard)),
// This function checks the amount of input data sent to us. We reject any buffer
// exceeding MAX_RECEIVE_DATA bytes as input to `update`, `update_aad`, and `finish`
// in order to force clients into using reasonable limits.
fn check_input_length(data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
if data.len() > MAX_RECEIVE_DATA {
// This error code is unique, no context required here.
return Err(anyhow!(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::TOO_MUCH_DATA)));
// Update the last usage to now.
fn touch(&self) {
// Expect safety:
// `last_usage` is locked only for primitive single line statements.
// There is no chance to panic and poison the mutex.
*self.last_usage.lock().expect("In touch.") = Instant::now();
/// Implementation of `IKeystoreOperation::updateAad`.
/// Refer to the AIDL spec at system/hardware/interfaces/keystore2 for details.
fn update_aad(&self, aad_input: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let mut outcome = self.check_active().context("In update_aad")?;
Self::check_input_length(aad_input).context("In update_aad")?;
let (hat, tst) = self
.context(ks_err!("Trying to get auth tokens."))?;
self.update_outcome(&mut outcome, {
let _wp = wd::watch("Operation::update_aad: calling IKeyMintOperation::updateAad");
map_km_error(self.km_op.updateAad(aad_input, hat.as_ref(), tst.as_ref()))
.context(ks_err!("Update failed."))?;
/// Implementation of `IKeystoreOperation::update`.
/// Refer to the AIDL spec at system/hardware/interfaces/keystore2 for details.
fn update(&self, input: &[u8]) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
let mut outcome = self.check_active().context("In update")?;
Self::check_input_length(input).context("In update")?;
let (hat, tst) = self
.context(ks_err!("Trying to get auth tokens."))?;
let output = self
.update_outcome(&mut outcome, {
let _wp = wd::watch("Operation::update: calling IKeyMintOperation::update");
map_km_error(self.km_op.update(input, hat.as_ref(), tst.as_ref()))
.context(ks_err!("Update failed."))?;
if output.is_empty() {
} else {
/// Implementation of `IKeystoreOperation::finish`.
/// Refer to the AIDL spec at system/hardware/interfaces/keystore2 for details.
fn finish(&self, input: Option<&[u8]>, signature: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
let mut outcome = self.check_active().context("In finish")?;
if let Some(input) = input {
Self::check_input_length(input).context("In finish")?;
let (hat, tst, confirmation_token) = self
.context(ks_err!("Trying to get auth tokens."))?;
let output = self
.update_outcome(&mut outcome, {
let _wp = wd::watch("Operation::finish: calling IKeyMintOperation::finish");
.context(ks_err!("Finish failed."))?;
self.auth_info.lock().unwrap().after_finish().context("In finish.")?;
// At this point the operation concluded successfully.
*outcome = Outcome::Success;
if output.is_empty() {
} else {
/// Aborts the operation if it is active. IFF the operation is aborted the outcome is
/// set to `outcome`. `outcome` must reflect the reason for the abort. Since the operation
/// gets aborted `outcome` must not be `Operation::Success` or `Operation::Unknown`.
fn abort(&self, outcome: Outcome) -> Result<()> {
let mut locked_outcome = self.check_active().context("In abort")?;
*locked_outcome = outcome;
let _wp = wd::watch("Operation::abort: calling IKeyMintOperation::abort");
map_km_error(self.km_op.abort()).context(ks_err!("KeyMint::abort failed."))
impl Drop for Operation {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let guard = self.outcome.lock().expect("In drop.");
if let Outcome::Unknown = *guard {
// If the operation was still active we call abort, setting
// the outcome to `Outcome::Dropped`
if let Err(e) = self.abort(Outcome::Dropped) {
log::error!("While dropping Operation: abort failed:\n {:?}", e);
/// The OperationDb holds weak references to all ongoing operations.
/// Its main purpose is to facilitate operation pruning.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct OperationDb {
// TODO replace Vec with WeakTable when the weak_table crate becomes
// available.
operations: Mutex<Vec<Weak<Operation>>>,
impl OperationDb {
/// Creates a new OperationDb.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { operations: Mutex::new(Vec::new()) }
/// Creates a new operation.
/// This function takes a KeyMint operation and an associated
/// owner uid and returns a new Operation wrapped in a `std::sync::Arc`.
pub fn create_operation(
km_op: binder::Strong<dyn IKeyMintOperation>,
owner: u32,
auth_info: AuthInfo,
forced: bool,
logging_info: LoggingInfo,
) -> Arc<Operation> {
// We use unwrap because we don't allow code that can panic while locked.
let mut operations = self.operations.lock().expect("In create_operation.");
let mut index: usize = 0;
// First we iterate through the operation slots to try and find an unused
// slot. If we don't find one, we append the new entry instead.
match (*operations).iter_mut().find(|s| {
index += 1;
}) {
Some(free_slot) => {
let new_op = Arc::new(Operation::new(
index - 1,
*free_slot = Arc::downgrade(&new_op);
None => {
let new_op = Arc::new(Operation::new(
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<Arc<Operation>> {
self.operations.lock().expect("In OperationDb::get.").get(index).and_then(|op| op.upgrade())
/// Attempts to prune an operation.
/// This function is used during operation creation, i.e., by
/// `KeystoreSecurityLevel::create_operation`, to try and free up an operation slot
/// if it got `ErrorCode::TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS` from the KeyMint backend. It is not
/// guaranteed that an operation slot is available after this call successfully
/// returned for various reasons. E.g., another thread may have snatched up the newly
/// available slot. Callers may have to call prune multiple times before they get a
/// free operation slot. Prune may also return `Err(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::BACKEND_BUSY))`
/// which indicates that no prunable operation was found.
/// To find a suitable candidate we compute the malus for the caller and each existing
/// operation. The malus is the inverse of the pruning power (caller) or pruning
/// resistance (existing operation).
/// The malus is based on the number of sibling operations and age. Sibling
/// operations are operations that have the same owner (UID).
/// Every operation, existing or new, starts with a malus of 1. Every sibling
/// increases the malus by one. The age is the time since an operation was last touched.
/// It increases the malus by log6(<age in seconds> + 1) rounded down to the next
/// integer. So the malus increases stepwise after 5s, 35s, 215s, ...
/// Of two operations with the same malus the least recently used one is considered
/// weaker.
/// For the caller to be able to prune an operation it must find an operation
/// with a malus higher than its own.
/// The malus can be expressed as
/// ```
/// malus = 1 + no_of_siblings + floor(log6(age_in_seconds + 1))
/// ```
/// where the constant `1` accounts for the operation under consideration.
/// In reality we compute it as
/// ```
/// caller_malus = 1 + running_siblings
/// ```
/// because the new operation has no age and is not included in the `running_siblings`,
/// and
/// ```
/// running_malus = running_siblings + floor(log6(age_in_seconds + 1))
/// ```
/// because a running operation is included in the `running_siblings` and it has
/// an age.
/// ## Example
/// A caller with no running operations has a malus of 1. Young (age < 5s) operations
/// also with no siblings have a malus of one and cannot be pruned by the caller.
/// We have to find an operation that has at least one sibling or is older than 5s.
/// A caller with one running operation has a malus of 2. Now even young siblings
/// or single child aging (5s <= age < 35s) operations are off limit. An aging
/// sibling of two, however, would have a malus of 3 and would be fair game.
/// ## Rationale
/// Due to the limitation of KeyMint operation slots, we cannot get around pruning or
/// a single app could easily DoS KeyMint.
/// Keystore 1.0 used to always prune the least recently used operation. This at least
/// guaranteed that new operations can always be started. With the increased usage
/// of Keystore we saw increased pruning activity which can lead to a livelock
/// situation in the worst case.
/// With the new pruning strategy we want to provide well behaved clients with
/// progress assurances while punishing DoS attempts. As a result of this
/// strategy we can be in the situation where no operation can be pruned and the
/// creation of a new operation fails. This allows single child operations which
/// are frequently updated to complete, thereby breaking up livelock situations
/// and facilitating system wide progress.
/// ## Update
/// We also allow callers to cannibalize their own sibling operations if no other
/// slot can be found. In this case the least recently used sibling is pruned.
pub fn prune(&self, caller: u32, forced: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
loop {
// Maps the uid of the owner to the number of operations that owner has
// (running_siblings). More operations per owner lowers the pruning
// resistance of the operations of that owner. Whereas the number of
// ongoing operations of the caller lowers the pruning power of the caller.
let mut owners: HashMap<u32, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut pruning_info: Vec<PruningInfo> = Vec::new();
let now = Instant::now();
.expect("In OperationDb::prune: Trying to lock self.operations.")
.for_each(|op| {
if let Some(op) = op.upgrade() {
if let Some(p_info) = op.get_pruning_info() {
let owner = p_info.owner;
// Count operations per owner.
*owners.entry(owner).or_insert(0) += 1;
// If the operation is forced, the caller has a malus of 0.
let caller_malus = if forced { 0 } else { 1u64 + *owners.entry(caller).or_default() };
// We iterate through all operations computing the malus and finding
// the candidate with the highest malus which must also be higher
// than the caller_malus.
struct CandidateInfo {
index: usize,
malus: u64,
last_usage: Instant,
age: Duration,
let mut oldest_caller_op: Option<CandidateInfo> = None;
let candidate = pruning_info.iter().fold(
|acc: Option<CandidateInfo>, &PruningInfo { last_usage, owner, index, forced }| {
// Compute the age of the current operation.
let age = now
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::new(0, 0));
// Find the least recently used sibling as an alternative pruning candidate.
if owner == caller {
if let Some(CandidateInfo { age: a, .. }) = oldest_caller_op {
if age > a {
oldest_caller_op =
Some(CandidateInfo { index, malus: 0, last_usage, age });
} else {
oldest_caller_op =
Some(CandidateInfo { index, malus: 0, last_usage, age });
// Compute the malus of the current operation.
let malus = if forced {
// Forced operations have a malus of 0. And cannot even be pruned
// by other forced operations.
} else {
// Expect safety: Every owner in pruning_info was counted in
// the owners map. So this unwrap cannot panic.
"This is odd. We should have counted every owner in pruning_info.",
) + ((age.as_secs() + 1) as f64).log(6.0).floor() as u64
// Now check if the current operation is a viable/better candidate
// the one currently stored in the accumulator.
match acc {
// First we have to find any operation that is prunable by the caller.
None => {
if caller_malus < malus {
Some(CandidateInfo { index, malus, last_usage, age })
} else {
// If we have found one we look for the operation with the worst score.
// If there is a tie, the older operation is considered weaker.
Some(CandidateInfo { index: i, malus: m, last_usage: l, age: a }) => {
if malus > m || (malus == m && age > a) {
Some(CandidateInfo { index, malus, last_usage, age })
} else {
Some(CandidateInfo { index: i, malus: m, last_usage: l, age: a })
// If we did not find a suitable candidate we may cannibalize our oldest sibling.
let candidate = candidate.or(oldest_caller_op);
match candidate {
Some(CandidateInfo { index, malus: _, last_usage, age: _ }) => {
match self.get(index) {
Some(op) => {
match op.prune(last_usage) {
// We successfully freed up a slot.
Ok(()) => break Ok(()),
// This means the operation we tried to prune was on its way
// out. It also means that the slot it had occupied was freed up.
Err(Error::Km(ErrorCode::INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE)) => break Ok(()),
// This means the operation we tried to prune was currently
// servicing a request. There are two options.
// * Assume that it was touched, which means that its
// pruning resistance increased. In that case we have
// to start over and find another candidate.
// * Assume that the operation is transitioning to end-of-life.
// which means that we got a free slot for free.
// If we assume the first but the second is true, we prune
// a good operation without need (aggressive approach).
// If we assume the second but the first is true, our
// caller will attempt to create a new KeyMint operation,
// fail with `ErrorCode::TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS`, and call
// us again (conservative approach).
Err(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::OPERATION_BUSY)) => {
// We choose the conservative approach, because
// every needlessly pruned operation can impact
// the user experience.
// To switch to the aggressive approach replace
// the following line with `continue`.
break Ok(());
// The candidate may have been touched so the score
// has changed since our evaluation.
_ => continue,
// This index does not exist any more. The operation
// in this slot was dropped. Good news, a slot
// has freed up.
None => break Ok(()),
// We did not get a pruning candidate.
None => break Err(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::BACKEND_BUSY)),
/// Implementation of IKeystoreOperation.
pub struct KeystoreOperation {
operation: Mutex<Option<Arc<Operation>>>,
impl KeystoreOperation {
/// Creates a new operation instance wrapped in a
/// BnKeystoreOperation proxy object. It also enables
/// `BinderFeatures::set_requesting_sid` on the new interface, because
/// we need it for checking Keystore permissions.
pub fn new_native_binder(operation: Arc<Operation>) -> binder::Strong<dyn IKeystoreOperation> {
Self { operation: Mutex::new(Some(operation)) },
BinderFeatures { set_requesting_sid: true, ..BinderFeatures::default() },
/// Grabs the outer operation mutex and calls `f` on the locked operation.
/// The function also deletes the operation if it returns with an error or if
/// `delete_op` is true.
fn with_locked_operation<T, F>(&self, f: F, delete_op: bool) -> Result<T>
for<'a> F: FnOnce(&'a Operation) -> Result<T>,
let mut delete_op: bool = delete_op;
match self.operation.try_lock() {
Ok(mut mutex_guard) => {
let result = match &*mutex_guard {
Some(op) => {
let result = f(op);
// Any error here means we can discard the operation.
if result.is_err() {
delete_op = true;
None => Err(Error::Km(ErrorCode::INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE))
if delete_op {
// We give up our reference to the Operation, thereby freeing up our
// internal resources and ending the wrapped KeyMint operation.
// This KeystoreOperation object will still be owned by an SpIBinder
// until the client drops its remote reference.
*mutex_guard = None;
Err(_) => Err(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::OPERATION_BUSY))
impl binder::Interface for KeystoreOperation {}
impl IKeystoreOperation for KeystoreOperation {
fn updateAad(&self, aad_input: &[u8]) -> binder::Result<()> {
let _wp = wd::watch("IKeystoreOperation::updateAad");
|op| op.update_aad(aad_input).context(ks_err!("KeystoreOperation::updateAad")),
fn update(&self, input: &[u8]) -> binder::Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
let _wp = wd::watch("IKeystoreOperation::update");
|op| op.update(input).context(ks_err!("KeystoreOperation::update")),
fn finish(
input: Option<&[u8]>,
signature: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> binder::Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
let _wp = wd::watch("IKeystoreOperation::finish");
|op| op.finish(input, signature).context(ks_err!("KeystoreOperation::finish")),
fn abort(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {
let _wp = wd::watch("IKeystoreOperation::abort");
let result = self.with_locked_operation(
|op| op.abort(Outcome::Abort).context(ks_err!("KeystoreOperation::abort")),
result.map_err(|e| {
match e.root_cause().downcast_ref::<Error>() {
// Calling abort on expired operations is something very common.
// There is no reason to clutter the log with it. It is never the cause
// for a true problem.
Some(Error::Km(ErrorCode::INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE)) => {}
_ => log::error!("{:?}", e),