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3 fun experiments to try for your next Android app, using Google AI Studio
3 fun experiments to try for your next Android app, using Google AI Studio

20 June 2024

Posted by Paris Hsu – Product Manager, Android Studio We shared an exciting live demo from the Developer Keynote at Google I/O 2024 ...

Top 3 Updates for Building with AI on Android at Google I/O ‘24
Top 3 Updates for Building with AI on Android at Google I/O ‘24

04 June 2024

Posted by Terence Zhang – Developer Relations Engineer At Google I/O, we unveiled a vision of Android reimagined with AI at its cor...

Google I/O 2024: What’s new in Android Development Tools
Google I/O 2024: What’s new in Android Development Tools

14 May 2024

Posted by Mayank Jain – Product Manager, Android Studio At Google I/O 2024, we announced an exciting new set of features and tool...

Android Studio uses Gemini Pro to make Android development faster and easier
Android Studio uses Gemini Pro to make Android development faster and easier

08 April 2024

Posted by Sandhya Mohan – Product Manager, Android Studio As part of the next chapter of our Gemini era, we announced we were bringin...