Soundtracks & Commissions


Every Legend Ends (2023) – feature film – Unlimited Motion – dir. Ryan Garry – IMDb

Company of Heroes: Fate of Hungary (2022) – video game (mod) – Waste of Space/Relic Entertainment

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Dumb Money (2021) – short film – dir. Ryan Garry – IMDb

We Digitise Your World (2021) – commercial – Unlimited Motion Ltd.

Shorrak’s Tale (2020) – YouTube series – malarkygames

Liberty & Fraternity theme (2019) – podcast – Declan Pollard and Mike Storey

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Block Machine (2019) – video game – Sebastian Schöner

Wildcards (2018) – short film – dir. Ryan Garry

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Alphabetallica theme (2017) – podcast – Kweiseye Podcasts

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Musical Minds (2017) – mobile app – Musical Minds Ltd.

Laser Razor (2016) – mobile video game – Walkisoft

The Little Mermaid (2016) – theatre/live storytelling – The Liverpool Players

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Patterna (2016) – video game – Sebastian Schöner

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Battle Rap Resume theme (2016) – podcast – Kweiseye Podcasts

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Bisclavret : The Werewolf (2015) – audio drama – The Liverpool Players

Brébeuf (2015) – short film – dir. Stephen Broomer, commissioned by Video Jam

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Tablet of Destiny (2014) – film trailer – dir. David Wilks

Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales (2014) – theatre – The Liverpool Players & Liverpool University Drama Society

Ninja Party (2013) – mobile video game – The Mana Factory

Goblin Market (2013) – theatre – Liverpool University Drama Society

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Independent Bookshops of Bath (2013) – documentary – BSU Films

Set Rising (2013) – tabletop game – Savage Mojo Ltd.

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Company of Heroes: Eastern Front (2012) – video game (mod) – Archaic/Relic Entertainment

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Brainpowered Beach Party (2012) – tabletop game – Savage Mojo Ltd.

Dungeonlands (2012) – tabletop game – Savage Mojo Ltd.

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Fresh Minds (2011) – commercial – FreshTeam charity

Adash: Sdadt Der Magie (2008) – video game – LordKain

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