Aiden Lydia

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

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Anonymous asked:

this is gonna sound sooo stupid BUT i started Mass Effect and i saw you on instagram like forever ago and loved your shiara art!!! and then i couldn’t for the life of me remember your user and thought of your work when i was playing like staring at Liara like hmm.. ive seen you somewhere else.. and it was from YOU!!! and im extremely excited to have found your account again :)))

i loooooved the art you did and now i actually get it when it comes to MA.. (im getting back through the first game i bought the legendary edition on sale and am not entirely sold on Liara just yet but ill get there im sure! i wish i could romance Tali though i need to kiss her visor desperately.. wishing i had more options for lesbianism but in my heart i do) anywho LOOOOOVE YOUR STUFF!!!!! including the cod art too i like a good story and some incredible art what can i say

hope you have an amazing rest of your week im just excited to see more of what you do :))

Omg! Liara was your destiny and you found her… Also thank you, I’m glad you liked the art!

ME1 is definitely the weakest of the three games, all characters have a ton of improving to do, just you wait. Liara was a huge win for lesbian gamers at the time.. being able to date her from the very beginning when not even male Shep could have a gay romance yet is insane. But yeah, Tali would’ve been amazing too, she’s in my top 3 favorite ME characters. First place is shared by Kaidan for male Shep and Liara for fem Shep, of course. (don’t ever make me choose between them)

Anyway, I have a few Shiara WIPs I’m planning on finishing, so hopefully there’ll be new art soon-ish :3
