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Related to landing: Moon landing
LDGLanding (aviation)
LDGLanding Gear
LDGLiving Dead Girl
LDGLaboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique (French: Laboratory of Detection and Geophysics)
LDGLight-Duty Gasoline
LDGLeast Dangerous Game (Twin Cities, MN)
LDGLancha de Desembarque Grande (Portuguese Navy)
LDGLinz Donawitz Gas
LDGLos Alamos Debugger
LDGLiving Designs Group, LLC (Taos, NM)
LDGLimb-Girdle Dystrophy
LDGLazer-Derived Graphene (electrode)
LDGLeast-Difference Greedy
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In sum, after years of over-investment and under-consumption, China is bound to suffer a fate similar to that of Japan: a hard landing followed by years of structural adjustment.
This will be enhanced to appear as if the pilot were landing in daytime on a typical visual approach.
Longer term, whether the landing is hard or soft does not make a significant difference.
It is therefore paramount to (1) ensure the education of the coaches and vaulters, (2) comply with the existing rules on pole size, landing mat size, and soft landing zones around the mat, and (3) use common sense when faced with poor weather conditions or dangerous obstructions.
The pilot extends the landing gear at 250 knots or less, and adds power sufficient to maintain on-speed flight at about 110 knots.
Today, after a $26 million restoration and environmental cleanup, a spruced-up Washington's Landing plays host to a mix of residential townhouses, commercial office buildings, restaurants and such recreational uses as a 300-boat marina.
The concentrated force of that abrupt landing would have killed her instantly.
Even so, work was begun on Jan.29 to modify the shuttle landing strip at KSC, smoothing 3,500 feet of the surface at each end and replacing a series of grooves that run across the strip with narrower ones that are aligned lengthwise like a "corduroy road".
A CH-53D Sea Stallion was conducting practice landings at confined-area landing sites.