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References in classic literature ?
The term "Landfall" is more easily understood; you fall in with the land, and it is a matter of a quick eye and of a clear atmosphere.
"You see, I give the value to the land by building the roads.
These either extend in straight lines in front of the shores of a continent or of a large island, or they encircle smaller islands; in both cases, being separated from the land by a broad and rather deep channel of water, analogous to the lagoon within an atoll.
"It looks like the free-born American ain't got no room left in his own land."
"And we, thinking every minute long till we were on land, came close to the shore, and offered to land.
They wrote many letters asking if the Historian did not know of some adventures to write about that had happened before the Land of Oz was shut out from all the rest of the world.
Ned Land was a Canadian, with an uncommon quickness of hand, and who knew no equal in his dangerous occupation.
"March your army at once to the Land of Oz, capture and destroy the Emerald City, and bring back to me my Magic Belt!" roared the King.
Hence we may suppose that the organisms now living under the climate of latitude 60 deg, during the Pliocene period lived further north under the Polar Circle, in latitude 66 deg-67 deg; and that the strictly arctic productions then lived on the broken land still nearer to the pole.
The promised land for the French during their advance had been Moscow, during their retreat it was their native land.
The King of the Jolliginki thought it would be easy for his army to find them, because the Doctor was in a strange land and would not know his way.
We know what the land's like--first-rate, yet there's not much of a crop to boast of.