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References in classic literature ?
1st there was still no money, and Pickles was unable to buy a dog licence.
I wish to buy, if possible, the whole of the shares, and as many more as I can get brokers to sell.
"I am a boy and I buy nothing from boys," said the little fellow with far more common sense than the Marionette.
"He had not specially 'made up' as Darzac to buy the cane; he had come straight to Cassette's immediately after he had attacked Mademoiselle Stangerson.
I'll buy in to the extent of my money as a small partner in some other plantation.
If it's settled, it's useless haggling; but if it's not," said Levin, "I'll buy the forest."
I thought of another candidate--a book-reviewer whom I could name if I wanted to--but after thinking it over, I didn't buy him a clock.
"Buy it out of a portion of the profits from those three acres," Mrs.
"If one o' the family chooses to buy 'em in, they can, but one thing must be bid for as well as another."
The unmanly chuckle always came, I found, when the poor lady dropped her babe, but the whole thing entranced him; he tried to keep his excitement down by taking huge draughts of water; he forgot all his niceties of conduct; he sat in holy rapture with the toy between his paws, took it to bed with him, ate it in the night, and searched for it so longingly next day that I had to go out and buy him the man with the scythe.
All you have to do is buy, buy, buy, and keep on buying to the last stroke, when the directors declare the double dividend.
To him it was a check for twenty-two dollars, that was all, and it would buy him something to eat.