(redirected from Six Nations Police Service)
SNPSSchool of Natural and Physical Sciences (University of Papua New Guinea)
SNPSShoreham Nuclear Power Station (East Shoreham, NY)
SNPSSwitched Network Phase Shifters
SNPSSix Nations Police Service (Canada)
SNPSStates and Nation Policy Summit
SNPSSpace Nuclear Power System
SNPSSouth Newman Primary School (est. 1976; Newman, Western Australia, Australia)
SNPSShimane Nuclear Power Station (Chugoku Electric Power Co, Inc.; Japan)
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On June 1, the Six Nations Police Service responded to a report of shots fired at a residence on First Line Road.
At about 5:50 a.m., the suspect vehicle was seen by Six Nations Police Service on the Fourth Line.
That seizure convinced the local police commission to boycott joint forces operations with the RCMP and to cancel the temporary secondment of a federal officer to the Six Nations police service.
Blaine Martin, Six Nations Police Service was unable to attend and would be recognized separately.
In the summer of 2005, Six Nations Police Service (SNPS) investigated three occurrences involving three, 12-year-olds, each having dropped out of school the previous year.
With the Six Nations Police Service taking the lead in the Student Success Group, the Community Service Coordinator started a formal dialogue in 2006 with the Program Recruiter for Brock University's Tecumseh Centre for Aboriginal Research and Education.
The Six Nations Police Services organized a meeting in the summer of 2006 with the elementary principals, social services representatives, GEDSB, Six Nations Welfare, Native Services Branch of the Children's Aid Society, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nations (New Credit) Education Authority officials.
In June 2006 I placed a call to Michelle Bomberry, the Community Service Coordinator with the Six Nations Police Services, which is the community in which I also reside.