(redirected from Drift Down)
D/DDirect Debit (banking)
D/DDemand Draft
D/DDrift Down
D/DDishwasher and Disposal (rental properties)
D/DDemilitarization and Disposal System Life Cycle Phase
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References in classic literature ?
The girls had discovered that if the flat were pushed off from the landing place it would drift down with the current under the bridge and finally strand itself on another headland lower down which ran out at a curve in the pond.
"We were playing Elaine" explained Anne frigidly, without even looking at her rescuer, "and I had to drift down to Camelot in the barge--I mean the flat.
The sight of a powerful party of traders, trappers, hunters, and voyageurs, well armed and equipped, furnished at all points, in high health and spirits, and banqueting lustily on the green margin of the river, was a spectacle equally stimulating to these veteran backwoodsmen with the glorious array of a campaigning army to an old soldier; but when they learned the grand scope and extent of the enterprise in hand, it was irresistible; homes and families and all the charms of green Kentucky vanished from their thoughts; they cast loose their canoes to drift down the stream, and joyfully enlisted in the band of adventurers.
DRIFT down a lazy river on a timber raft piloted by a boatsman (876 912 0026).
Eastwards the views drift down towards the Northumberland coastline, while there are outreaching views to the south to the enchanting Cheviot Hills.
This is an improvement over traditional spring-counterbalanced designs that tend to lose their tension over time, causing the door to drift down into the opening.
Responsive to light and air currents and open at the bottom as if it could drift down to enclose a viewer standing below, the tentlike structure is nevertheless exactingly detailed, a diaphanous confection whose specific architectural character asserts itself gradually.
The temperature was then allowed to drift down to approximately 175 [degrees] C in an uncontrolled fashion.
Passengers were forced to leave the station just before 9.30pm last night as smoke began to drift down the platforms.
During a 2-week period of measurements in November 1997, researchers detected signs that volcanic gases regularly drift down into the basin and mix with the legendary urban smog there, they report in the April 15 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS.
Leaf by leaf stirs from its branch and issues language in its slow drift down and the wind collaborates to make a chorus, prompting.
Vacancy rates in Downtown Manhattan will slowly drift down because of the lack of new construction, but they will not reach a normal level for several years.