Our newest game is Hill Agency: PURITY decay. A detective mystery game where you play as a tough as nails P.I. solving everything from petty crimes to global conspiracies all while exploring the various different worlds that make up North America of the future.


The year is 2762 and you’re, Meeygen Hill, a tough as nails P.I. working in the slums of one of the last major cities in North America. Life is all missing kids and cheating spouses until a dame barges in from the Risen-City and changes your life. Her sister has been murdered and the cops are useless. It’s up to you to find out who the real murderer is. Murdered sisters, mind wiping drugs and flying palaces, this case goes way farther than the banks of this one detective’s little slum in this indigenous cybernoir. A narrative detective game in the spirit of Oxenfree and The Shiva that lets you solve who did it.

Creative Strengths

What makes Hill Agency particularly unique is that there is no game over or restart for a wrong answer. The game keeps going no matter how the player handles a case, but the game narrative changes as it progresses. Put in a warrant for the wrong person? No problem. You will always have the option of uncovering new evidence to undo what you’ve done. You can go on with your life but it gets increasingly harder to undo the mistakes you make as the game progresses.


Hill Agency is 3D third-person detective game with a variety of logic puzzles to uncover the truth. The heart of Hill Agency is discovery through investigation. This involves two parts: Interviews and evidence finding. The player is equipped with a notebook that keeps track of all the people, objects and testimony they have picked up during their investigation. There is no combat in the game, rather players will use deduction, induction and their wits to find out whodunnit.