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Sales Leads Dashboard
for Account Prioritization

6sense Prioritization Dashboards offer your sellers a personalized, laser-focused view of their territories. This makes it practically effortless to uncover opportunities early, know who to engage next, and quickly gather insights to craft hyper-relevant communications.

Prioritization Dashboards

Reach the best accounts

Focus sellers’ efforts on accounts that are perfect fits for your ICP and most likely to convert. Enable them to tailor their outreach with accurate buyer intent data.

Reveal buyer champions

Find likely advocates for your solution by measuring engagement activity. Know what to say to them with in-dashboard intel.

Boost seller productivity

Prioritize, research, and take action on in-market accounts and contacts all in one place. This reduces the amount of time spent on non-selling activities.

Focused sellers win more deals

6sense Sales Prioritization Dashboards provide global visibility into priority accounts, buyers, and actions. Data is continuously refreshed so sellers can score all hits, no misses. 

Dashboard-accessible deep insights, Recommended Actions, and embedded CRM integrations boost sales velocity and close deals faster.

Prioritize the best accounts & reach the best contacts

Say goodbye to dated account lists and inaccurate contact info. 6sense’s dashboards present dynamically updated lists of this crucial data, refreshed on the regular.

Every seller always gets an up-to-date view of high-fit and high-intent prospects in their territories.

Showpad's close rate increased by 298% when its sales team focused on 6sense's recommended "hot accounts."

Seventy-six percent of Showpad’s recently qualified opportunities were qualified by 6sense.

Prioritize the best accounts & reach the best contacts

Never miss a revenue opportunity

Uncover new accounts to engage and qualify (even those unknown to your CRM) as soon as high-intent buying signals appear.

Perfect outreach, perfectly timed

Enable your sellers to take action on the right accounts, reaching out to the right buyers, at the right time, to win more deals.

Better signals drive better results

Capture more buying signals from in-market accounts than anywhere else with intent data from 6sense's intent network and our integration partners.

Jump Right In

Account Intelligence

Arm reps with account insights in CRM & SEP for prioritization and personalization.

Company & People Search

Access reliable B2B account and contact data with insights for when to engage prospects.

Predictive Analytics

Leverage AI-driven predictions to alert sellers when it’s best time to engage.

Gain visibility into accounts & contact engagement levels

Get pulse-checks on prospects

Get clarity into the activities of members of an account’s buying team and understand if their engagement is trending up or down.

Then quickly take action to re-engage buyers or multi-thread engagement across more of the buying committee

Aruba's sales team closed $605 million in deals after using 6sense for just one year.

The team also saw a drastic increase in sales velocity (60%), enabling them to close even more business.

Leave no buyer behind

With 6sense, in-market accounts and trending buyers are always visible, prioritized, and ready to engage across channels.

Become your buyer's bestie

Understand B2B buyers better than ever — and discover which ones are primed for contact — with 6sense's visibility into all revenue activities across the entire buying team.

Accelerate sales cycles

Reduce the average days to close a deal by hyper-focusing sellers’ efforts on the accounts most likely to convert now.

Get back wasted time and effort... and get back to selling

Eliminate the wasted effort of jumping between sales tools. Your sellers can now research, strategize, and prioritize accounts all in one place.

Dashboards are customized to each seller’s territory, providing seamless access to view, organize, and comprehensively understand their accounts.

RepTrak reduced its average sales cycle from 112 days down to 90 days with 6sense.

By freeing up sellers' time, the team also increased average deal sizes by 64% and improved opportunity quality.

Improve seller performance & ensure quota attainment

Works where sellers do

Bring modern prospecting workflows and peerless buyer intelligence into the CRMs and sales engagement platforms you use every day.

Connect with buyers, fast

Bring up buyers’ social profiles and contact details — including verified email addresses and direct-dial phone numbers — with a single click.

Multidimensional value

Add multiple accounts or contacts into a relevant sales cadence, or quickly export them as a list for use across other systems.

“Here’s how I see account prioritization: there are a million stones on the ground. As a seller, you’re turning them over one by one, looking for the best accounts. 6sense tells you, ‘Go look in that corner. That’s where the opportunities are.’”

Dustin Deno

SVP of Global Sales, Showpad

“Our sales team leverages 6sense every single day, primarily for account prioritization. They leverage the tool to prioritize account outreach, personalize that outreach, and ensure they are focusing on the right areas.”

Elizabeth McDonough

Senior Director of Demand Generation, Classy

“With 6sense, we are able to give sales priority, so they have time to spend on those accounts that have a higher intent to purchase. That drives efficiency.”

Gaidar Magdanurov

Chief Marketing Officer, Acronis

“Knowing which accounts to prioritize is an ongoing challenge for SDR teams. With the buyer intent and predictive modeling insights from 6sense, the guessing game becomes a strategic game plan for our reps.”

Kris Laird

Director of Sales Development, Ingeniux

Prioritization Dashboard Features:

Account Prioritization Dashboard

Use advanced filtering capabilities to identify and prioritize in-market accounts that show a high intent to buy.

People Prioritization Dashboard

View, research, and acquire contacts for all prospects that are trending upward or downward as they conduct research and interact with your product information.

Recent Activities Dashboard

Stay up-to-date as buying activity occurs across your accounts. Sort by form-fills, email replies, website visits, keywords researched, event attendance, and more.

Recommended Actions Dashboard

Remove guesswork from account engagement with AI-based recommendations that prioritize actions, reduce manual effort, and understand which contacts to acquire or engage now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Prioritization dashboards provide sellers with account and contact-level insights into their territories’ accounts. Powered by buyer intent data and predictive buying stages, these dashboards serve as guides for sellers, providing insights into the accounts they should engage, when to engage them, and with what messaging.

The dashboards provide a crystal-clear roadmap for account engagement. Thanks to intent data and predictive buying stages, sellers will know which accounts are in-market, and when to engage them. This highly focused intelligence ensures sellers optimize their time reaching accounts … and accelerate closing qualified business.

The dashboards include account and people prioritization views as well as recent activities and recommended actions. 

Integrations built to centralize & maximize your tech stack

6sense already integrates with a wide range of sales, marketing, and operations technologies that your team uses everyday.

Connect critical systems, build more engaging campaigns, and deepen the insights that live within your existing tech stack.

HubSpot CRM

Ready to see 6sense in action?

Activate relevant and efficient audience targeting, with industry-leading account identification, intent data and predictive models.

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