Republique -- Episode 2: Metamorphosis - Review

Quiet steps forward

Republique - Episode 2: Metamorphosis review - Republique -- Episode 2: Metamorphosis

Where Republique’s first episode, “Exordium,” was about finding strength, episode two, “Metamorphosis,” is about the inability to do anything with it. This chapter is a strong reminder that, despite the abilities you use to help Republique’s young heroine Hope, you are not in control of her story, her adversaries, or her fate.

This is primarily a result of the way Republique functions. The point-and-click thriller’s tense gameplay and interesting conspiracy story are communicated through the security cameras, which players use to guide Hope to safety. Having little means of self-defense, she waits for your instructions telling her where to go, when to hide, and what to do. It's also how you solve Republique's puzzles -- more on their inconsistent quality shortly. Helpless without you, she obeys with implicit trust -- ironic, considering her story is about escaping totalitarian oppression. I’ll be curious to see how her relationship with the player works long-term with that in mind.

As Hope’s trust in you builds, her journey becomes more challenging. Developer Camouflaj is starting to take off the training wheels -- Republique’s second episode makes small but significant improvements to its gameplay systems.This starts with security systems that are more difficult to manage, such as random enemy patrol patterns and laser sensors. It continues with armored guards that discourage combat engagement and may necessitate hiding in shrubs.

These new features underscore Republique at its best -- when you’re in a low alert, non-conflict state, paranoid about making a dreadful mistake that gets Hope caught, Republique is bliss. Given the simplicity of its A.I., these adjustments are exactly what Republique needed. This hasn’t been a difficult episodic series, but better, unpredictable enemies and new ways to evade them means working harder to keep Hope safe.

Navigation is slightly easier in “Metamorphosis,” too, thanks to a new map and improved help system. The blueprint-style map isn’t always as clear as would be ideal, especially concerning how floors connect to one another, but its inclusion is helpful and appreciated.

This is an intelligent stealth game, but the newfound complexity gives the gameplay the longevity and variety it needs as players backtrack through familiar spaces to discover the deep, dark secrets of its fascinating Orwellian world. Stopping to learn about the depth of this universe’s depravity is what really keeps me engaged. Reading propaganda articles written by ethically questionable journalists exposes the depth of this government’s corruption, and how far it’s willing to go to burn those who aren’t on their side.

I particularly enjoy that “Metamorphosis” dwells on the Overseer, the government’s shady, motivated, murderous leader, rather than rehashing Hope’s dreams again. Republique has a good lead, but it has a better world, and “Metamorphosis” marries them beautifully to tell an increasingly uncomfortable story that sees bad things happening that you're powerless to prevent. Also, the hostile relationship between Mireille and Derringer remains one of my favorite things about Republique. It was tense before, but “Metamorphosis” sets it up to explode next episode.

Sometimes, the puzzles you’ll solve to uncover the government’s secrets feel like they exist to offer new gameplay mechanics rather than to fit that narrative arc. The last one in particular feels forced, and plays out slow and tedious. The more clever and intellectual problems that fall in line with the secrecy and censorship of the universe really made me feel like I was involved in this place, though, rather than just a passive participant on the other end of an iPad. That, more than anything else, is what keeps Republique special.


  • New enemy types
  • Terrific character interactions
  • Absorbing world and secrets


  • Some tedious puzzle solving
  • Confusing map

The Verdict

Republique’s story continues to go to grim, great places in “Metamorphosis,” and the new mechanics make the tedium of backtracking bearable. Unpredictable enemies disrupt things enough to keep you on your toes as you expose government secrets and learn more about the internal conflict in its ranks. The puzzles are hit or miss, but by and large, Republique’s second episode is a good next step for an engrossing, evolving series.

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Republique -- Episode 2: Metamorphosis

Camouflaj | April 30, 2014
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Republique - Episode 2: Metamorphosis review

Republique's second episode is dark and smart, with some great new additions and imperfect puzzles.
Republique -- Episode 2: Metamorphosis