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Publications in High technology industry

1-18 out of 18 publication(s)
Publication Audience Format Latest Issue Articles
BioMed Research International Academic Magazine/Journal Oct 8, 2022
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance: Part A, Bridging Education and Research Academic Magazine/Journal Oct 5, 2023
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance: Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering Academic Magazine/Journal Apr 30, 2024
CPA Practice Advisor Trade Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2011
Fuel Cells Today Trade Newsletter Feb 14, 2007
Harvard Journal of Law & Technology Professional Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2023
Holography News Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2019
IDMi (Information & Document Management International) Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2019
Japan Inc. Trade Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2006
Journal of Information Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2004
MarketWatch: Infrastructure Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 25, 2003
MarketWatch: Wireless Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 26, 2003
MIT Technology Review Trade Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2024
Network World Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 25, 2024
Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal Professional Magazine/Journal Aug 17, 2023
Scientia Magna Professional Magazine/Journal Sep 1, 2013
Technical Communication Trade Magazine/Journal Aug 1, 2005
  • How Academics and Practitioners Evaluate Technical Texts: A Focus Group Study.
  • Technology Transfer: Political Pressure, Economic Necessity, Social Phenomenon, Financial Reward, or Intellectual Pleasure?
  • Relations of Power and Solidarity in Scientific Communities: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Politeness Strategies in the Writing of Native English...
  • Reading Virgil's Georgics as a Scientific Text.
  • Oratory and Rhetoric in Renaissance Medicine.
  • Attitude, Certainty and Allusions to Common Knowledge in Scientific Research Articles.
  • Synchronous Computer Mediated Communication Captured by Usability Lab Technologies: New Interpretations.
  • Medical Image Modeling Tools and Applications [Special Issue].
  • Lean Consumption.
  • Execution Without Excuses.
  • Breakthrough Ideas for 2005.
  • A Syntactic Approach to Readability.
  • Google Intelligence! Sure, Search Engines Deliver, But What About the Off-line World?
  • Using Criteria in the Recommendation Report: A Case Study of the Texas A & M University Bonfire Commission Findings.
  • Teaching Technical Writing through Student Peer-evaluation.
  • Teaching Enron: The Rhetoric and Ethics of Whistle-blowing.
  • Teaching the Air Midwest Case: A Stakeholder Approach to Deliberative Technical Rhetoric.
  • The Relationship Between Negotiated Interaction, Learner Uptake, and Lexical Acquisition in Task-based Computer-mediated Communication.
  • The Lady's Rhetorick (1707): The Tip of the Iceberg for Women's Rhetorical Education in Englightenment France and Britain.
  • Introduction to the Special Issue on New Case Studies for Technical and Professional Communication [Special Issue].
  • 2087 Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2002

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