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Publications in Computers

1-92 out of 92 publication(s)
Publication Audience Format Latest Issue Articles
ACM Computing Surveys Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2001
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Feb 1, 2001
ACM Transactions on Database Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2001
ACM Transactions on Information Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2001
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2001
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2001
Advances in Artificial Intelligence Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2017
Advances in Artificial Neural Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2014
Advances in Software Engineering Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2014
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 28, 2024
Brazilian Journal of Information Design Academic Magazine/Journal May 1, 2019
CAD/CAM Update Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
CD Computing News Trade Newsletter Sep 1, 2019
Communications of the ACM Trade Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2001
Communications of the IIMA Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2023
Computer Graphics for Landscape Architects, An Introduction Academic Textbook Jan 1, 2009
Computer News Middle East Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 26, 2013
Computer Protocols Trade Newsletter Sep 1, 2019
Computer Technology Review Professional Newsletter Dec 22, 2008
Computer Workstations Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
Computers Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2024
  • A Contextual Model for Visual Information Processing.
  • Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks in Image-Based Android Malware Detection.
  • Empowering Communication: A Deep Learning Framework for Arabic Sign Language Recognition with an Attention Mechanism.
  • Hybrid Architectures Used in the Protection of Large Healthcare Records Based on Cloud and Blockchain Integration: A Review.
  • InfoSTGCAN: An Information-Maximizing Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Attention Network for Heterogeneous Human Trajectory Prediction.
  • On Predicting Exam Performance Using Version Control Systems' Features.
  • A Clustering and PL/SQL-Based Method for Assessing MLP-Kmeans Modeling.
  • ARPocketLab-A Mobile Augmented Reality System for Pedagogic Applications.
  • Integrating Machine Learning with Non-Fungible Tokens.
  • Unlocking Blockchain UTXO Transactional Patterns and Their Effect on Storage and Throughput Trade-Offs.
  • Quasi/Periodic Noise Reduction in Images Using Modified Multiresolution-Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Object Reconstructions and Comparison...
  • Searching Questions and Learning Problems in Large Problem Banks: Constructing Tests and Assignments on the Fly.
  • A GIS-Based Fuzzy Model to Detect Critical Polluted Urban Areas in Presence of Heatwave Scenarios.
  • Observer-Based Suboptimal Controller Design for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors: State-Dependent Riccati Equation Controller and Impulsive...
  • Mitigating Large Language Model Bias: Automated Dataset Augmentation and Prejudice Quantification.
  • LeakPred: An Approach for Identifying Components with Resource Leaks in Android Mobile Applications.
  • High-Performance Computing Storage Performance and Design Patterns-Btrfs and ZFS Performance for Different Use Cases.
  • Insights into How to Enhance Container Terminal Operations with Digital Twins.
  • Machine Learning-Based Crop Yield Prediction in South India: Performance Analysis of Various Models.
  • Object Tracking Using Computer Vision: A Review.
  • 475
    Computers and Internet community General Nov 21, 2007
    Computing and Information Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2019
    Connectivity News Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Database and Network Journal Trade Magazine/Journal Oct 1, 2023
  • 1 in 5 Might Switch Internet Service Providers for Better Online Security.
  • Smarttech247 Is Launching Its Third Women in Cybersecurity Academy.
  • Study Shows Snooping Habits of Top Downloads.
  • Nutanix Strengthens Cyber Resilience with Accelerated Ransomware Detection and Recovery.
  • New Avantra 24 AIOps Platform Automates Handling of Security Notes, Certificates, and Enterprise Add ins: The forthcoming Avantra Air copilot will...
  • Docker with Neo4j, LangChain, and Ollama Launches New GenAI Stack for Developers: Out-of-the-box ready-tcxode secure stack jumpstarts GenAI apps for...
  • Exploring the Power of One Versus the Power of Many.
  • SAP Master Data Management: Solving the Dirty Data Dilemma.
  • More Than 80% of Enterprises Will Have Used Generative AI APIs or Deployed Generative AI-Enabled Applications by 2026: Gartner.
  • Red and Blue Cyber Teams--A Tactical Arena!
  • Almost 60% of Businesses Are 'Very' to 'Extremely' Concerned about Ransomware Attacks: Hornetsecurity.
  • Safeguarding Legacy Equipment: Addressing cybersecurity challenges for manufacturers.
  • Software Businesses Struggle to Balance Security Budgets as Cyber Incidents Soar: Iomart.
  • SAP Master Data Management: Solving the Dirty Data Dilemma.
  • Research on Al in Organoids and Organ-on-a-Chip Sees 1,500% Growth in the Last Decade: Deep Pharma Intelligence.
  • Insurance Sector Eyes Easy-to-use Technology to Digitally Transform Business: No-code and Low-code Approaches Gain Popularity.
  • Elevating Sap Support: What Makes a Superb SAP Support Service?
  • Don't Boil the Ocean with Your Ontology: Neo4j's Jim Webber discusses knowledge graphs' organizing principles.
  • 4328
    Digit General Magazine/Journal Jul 18, 2023
    Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2024
    DMTCS Proceedings Academic Magazine/Journal May 1, 2024
    E-Commerce and Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism Academic Textbook Jan 1, 2004
    Educational Technology & Society Academic Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2024
  • Promoting professional trainers' teaching and feedback competences with ChatGPT: A Question-Exploration-Evaluation training mode.
  • From chalkboards to AI-powered learning: Students' attitudes and perspectives on use of ChatGPT in educational settings.
  • Can generative AI help realize the shift from an outcome-oriented to a process-outcome-balanced educational practice?
  • Can ChatGPT be a debate partner? Developing ChatGPT-based application "DEBO" for debate education, findings and limitations.
  • Technostress and English language teaching in the age of generative AI.
  • A progressive prompt-based image-generative AI approach to promoting students' achievement and perceptions in learning ancient Chinese poetry.
  • Effects of internet connection quality and device compatibility on learners' adoption of MOOCs.
  • Supporting lifelong learning: Comparing an in-situ and a post hoc approach to support everyday question-asking.
  • Applying pedagogical translanguaging via Google Translate to facilitate non-English major juniors in writing scripts for English presentations.
  • Design of a mathematical problem-solving application for students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Improving knowledge gain and emotional experience in online learning with knowledge and emotional scaffolding-based conversational agent.
  • Instructing with Cognitive Apprenticeship Programming Learning System (CAPLS) for novice computer science college freshmen: An exploration study.
  • Affordances and influences of multiple technologically-stimulated recognitions for EFL descriptive writing in authentic contextual learning.
  • Supporting emergency remote teaching: A post-video learning approach.
  • Maximizing the impact of dialogic peer feedback on student engagement: The role of regulation support.
  • Use of gamification and game-based learning in educating Generation Alpha: A systematic literature review.
  • Enactive interaction in technology-based learning environments: A systematic literature review.
  • Interplay of computational identity, learning experiences, programming self-efficacy, and computing aspirations for adolescents in urban China.
  • Expanding the learning ecology and autonomy of language learners with mobile technologies.
  • A concept mapping-based mobile storytelling approach for promoting students' creative agency: An experimental study.
  • 1409
    Electronic Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (eJCSIT) Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2013
    Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2024
    Future Internet Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2024
  • Optimizing Data Parallelism for FM-Based Short-Read Alignment on the Heterogeneous Non-Uniform Memory Access Architectures.
  • Discovery of Cloud Applications from Logs.
  • Development of a Theoretical Model for Digital Risks Arising from the Implementation of Industry 4.0 (TMR-I4.0).
  • Adaptive Framework for Maintenance Scheduling Based on Dynamic Preventive Intervals and Remaining Useful Life Estimation.
  • Learning Modality Consistency and Difference Information with Multitask Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis.
  • IMTIBOT: An Intelligent Mitigation Technique for IoT Botnets.
  • Improved Particle Filter in Machine Learning-Based BLE Fingerprinting Method to Reduce Indoor Location Estimation Errors.
  • Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted 3D Mesh Models Based on Multi-Group Partition and Closest Pair Prediction.
  • Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol in Hybrid Edge–Fog–Cloud Computing Enhanced by 5G Networks.
  • Enabling End-User Development in Smart Homes: A Machine Learning-Powered Digital Twin for Energy Efficient Management.
  • Towards a New Business Model for Streaming Platforms Using Blockchain Technology.
  • Visual Data and Pattern Analysis for Smart Education: A Robust DRL-Based Early Warning System for Student Performance Prediction.
  • Enhancing Efficiency and Security in Unbalanced PSI-CA Protocols through Cloud Computing and Homomorphic Encryption in Mobile Networks.
  • Usability Evaluation of Wearable Smartwatches Using Customized Heuristics and System Usability Scale Score.
  • Evaluation of Radio Access Protocols for V2X in 6G Scenario-Based Models.
  • Metric Space Indices for Dynamic Optimization in a Peer to Peer-Based Image Classification Crowdsourcing Platform.
  • Impact, Compliance, and Countermeasures in Relation to Data Breaches in Publicly Traded U.S. Companies.
  • Implementation of Lightweight Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System on IoT Devices of Smart Homes.
  • Metaverse and Fashion: An Analysis of Consumer Online Interest.
  • The Use of Artificial Intelligence in eParticipation: Mapping Current Research.
  • 401
    Healthcare Informatics Trade Magazine/Journal Sep 1, 2018
  • Why A.I. Will Never Replace Recruiters: AI can be a great tool, but recruiters aren't going away.
  • The Ongoing Exploration for Artificial Intelligence's Best Use in Healthcare: One Expert's Viewpoint: A healthcare leader explains why he believes so...
  • Putting Social Determinants of Health Data into Action: Patient care leaders are harnessing social determinants of health data to support accountable...
  • In the Emerging World of Risk-Based Contracting, Data Analytics Is a Foundational Necessity: As patient care organizations engage in more rigorous...
  • Health System Transformation Requires Rethinking Data Infrastructure: Analytics teams working with increasingly sophisticated data warehouses, data...
  • Markets and Medicine: Where Do Physicians Land, in the Emerging World of U.S. Healthcare? Even as the purchasers and payers of healthcare push hard...
  • A Patient-Generated Health Data Future is Becoming a Reality: Providers are becoming more open to integrating patient-generated health data into...
  • A Social Determinants of Health Technology Market is Slowly Emerging: The IT market for social determinants of health data is currently a nascent...
  • Are the Lines Between Provider and Payer Organizations Beginning to Blur? To Some, That Would Be Progress: As physician-based and hospital-based...
  • There's Value in A.I., but Where Is the Value Greatest? The spotlight has been shining bright on IBM Watson of late as healthcare stakeholders ponder...
  • An Open API Movement Seeks to Create an App Ecosystem ONC makes push for APIs that are 'standardized, transparent, and pro-competitive'.
  • In the Fight Against the Opioid Crisis, Providers are Turning to Technology: Healthcare organizations are using health IT tools, including an...
  • Could A New Interoperability Wrinkle Solve Healthcare's Biggest Challenge? There has been much debate on the possibility of mandating providers to...
  • Could Newfangled Business and Technology Combinations Upend the Landscape of Healthcare Delivery? Could some of the business and technology...
  • The Shock of the New: The Paris Art World of 1916--and the U.S. Healthcare Landscape of 2018: What does a revolution in art from a century ago say...
  • 1376
    Healthcare Innovation Trade Magazine/Journal Sep 1, 2023
    High Power Computing Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Information Technologies & International Development Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2020
    Information Technology and Disabilities Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2014
    International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2018
    International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2012
    International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2024
  • Overcoming the Challenge of Cyberbullying Detection in Images: A Deep Learning Approach with Image Captioning and OCR Integration.
  • Design and Implementation of an Automated Indoor Hydroponic Farming System based on the Internet of Things.
  • Utility and Acceptability of AI-Enabled Chatbots on the Online Customer Journey in E-Retailing.
  • A Comprehensive Literature Review on Air-written Online Handwritten Recognition.
  • Enhanced Approach To Generate One Time Password (OTP) Using Quantum True Random Number Generator (QTRNG).
  • Convolutional Neural Network for Predicting Student Academic Performance in Intelligent Tutoring System.
  • BushraDBR: An Automatic Approach to Retrieving Duplicate Bug Reports.
  • Physical Key Generation Using Modified Discrete Wavelet Transforms For The Internet of Things.
  • AI-Empowered Flying Ad-Hoc Networks for Dynamic Connectivity.
  • Citrus Tree Nutrient Deficiency Classification: A Comparative Study of ANN and SVM Using Colour-Texture Features in Leaf Images.
  • Design of E-Portfolio to Enhance Career Development for TVET Graduates.
  • Optimization of Population Document Services in Villages using Naive Bayes and k-NN Method.
  • GRNRI: Gene Regulatory Network Inference using Unsupervised Graph Neural Network.
  • Techno-Economic and Environmental Benefit Analysis of PV and D-FACTS-Enriched Modern Electric Distribution Grid with Practical Loads.
  • Introduction of LSSVR for the Prediction of the Yellowness Index.
  • A Stable Method For Brain Tumor Prediction In Magnetic Resonance Images Using Fine-tuned XceptionNet.
  • A Fusion Architecture of BERT and RoBERTa for Enhanced Performance of Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Platforms.
  • Channel Modeling Techniques for Multiband Vehicle to Everything Communications: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Global Stock Price Forecasting during a Period of Market Stress Using LightGBM.
  • A Secure Cloud Framework for Big Data Analytics Using a Distributed Model.
  • 500
    International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2021
    International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2016
    International Journal of New Computer Architectures and Their Applications Academic Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2021
    International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 3, 2023
    International Journal of Simulation Modelling Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 1, 2014
    Internet Protocols Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Journal of Communications and Computer Engineering Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2019
  • GF-5 VIMI On-Orbit Calibration Instrument and Performance.
  • Research on Railway Passenger Flow Prediction Method Based on GA Improved BP Neural Network.
  • An Efficient Acceleration of Solving Heat and Mass Transfer Equations with the First Kind Boundary Conditions in Capillary Porous Radially Composite...
  • Maximizing Performance under a Power Constraint on Modern Multicore Systems.
  • Predicting Tuberculosis Treatment Relapse: A Decision Tree Analysis of J48 for Data Mining.
  • Monthly Electricity Consumption Forecast Based on Multi-Target Regression.
  • A Prediction Method of Charging Station Planning Based on BP Neural Network.
  • AES Overhead Mitigation Using OpenMP.
  • Towards Attaining Reliable and Efficient Green Cloud Computing Using Micro-Smart Grids to Power Internet Data Center.
  • IUID Method-Mix: Towards a Systematic Approach for Intercultural User Interface Design (IUID).
  • A Cooperative Evolution of Multiple Operators Based Adaptive Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Network Coding Resources Optimization.
  • Design & Implementation of an Optimization Loading System in Electric by Using Genetic Algorithm.
  • The Systematic Discovery of Services in Early Stages of Agile Developments: A Systematic Literature Review.
  • A Wireless Intelligent Business Laundry Service System.
  • Research on Gesture Recognition Based on Improved GBMR Segmentation and Multiple Feature Fusion.
  • Mobile Infrastructure for Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting of Coastal Weather Events. Phase I: Building the Smart Drifter.
  • Ecological Land-Use Variety and Security Pattern Construction: A Case Study from Anqing, China.
  • Comparison of Spatiotemporal Fusion Models for Producing High Spatiotemporal Resolution Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Time Series Data Sets.
  • Semantic Segmentation Based Remote Sensing Data Fusion on Crops Detection.
  • Application of InSAR in Surface Deformation Monitoring of Electric Power Line Selection.
  • 104
    Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 30, 2024
    Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2006
    Journal of Control Science and Engineering Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 29, 2024
    Journal of Digital Information Management Academic Magazine/Journal Aug 1, 2015
    Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia General Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2006
    Journal of Information Systems & Technology Management Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 1, 2012
    Journal of Information Systems Education Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2024
    Journal of Information, Law and Technology Professional Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2011
    Journal of Interactive Learning Research General Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2006
    Journal of International Technology and Information Management Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2023
    Journal of Robotics Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 6, 2024
    Journal of Sensors Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2024
    Journal of Signal Transduction Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2014
    Journal of Technology and Teacher Education General Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2006
    Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2001
    KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems Academic Magazine/Journal May 1, 2024
    LAN Product News Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Mainframe Computing Trade Newsletter Sep 1, 2019
    MarketWatch: Application Development Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 27, 2003
    MarketWatch: CRM Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 24, 2003
    MarketWatch: Storage Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 24, 2003
    Modem User News Trade Newsletter Sep 1, 2019
    Network World Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 22, 2024
    Network World Middle East Trade Magazine/Journal Jan 5, 2012
    Networks Update Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Online Media News Trade Newsletter Sep 1, 2022
    Online Product News Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Online Streaming News Trade Newsletter Aug 1, 2023
    PC Business Products Trade Newsletter May 21, 2024
    Productivity Software Trade Newsletter May 1, 2024
    Revista vinculos Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2019
    Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2012
    Scientific Computing Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2005
    Scientific Computing World Academic Magazine/Journal Nov 18, 2023
    Skoar! General Magazine/Journal Dec 21, 2018
    Software World Trade Magazine/Journal May 1, 2024
  • Competing on Price Is No Longer an Option for Workspace Landlords.
  • Survey Shows AI-Enhanced Malicious Attacks Are a New Top Emerging Risk for Enterprises.
  • Kim Launches Firms 'AI Technology Use and Compliance Application'.
  • Bugcrowd Acquires Informer to Enhance Offerings Across Attack Surface Management and Penetration Testing.
  • More than 100 Million Americans Will Use Cryptocurrencies by 2028.
  • Breachaware Illuminates Hope Amidst Soaring Cybercrime Costs.
  • MSolutions Redefines Meeting Room Integration with Docking Extender.
  • New convertible Acer Chromebook Plus Spin 714 and cloud-gaming-optimized Acer Chromebook Plus 516 GE.
  • Value-add Procurement Takes Flight at London Luton Airport with JAGGAER.
  • More than 100 Million Americans Will Use Cryptocurrencies by 2028.
  • Nutanix and Dell Technologies Collaborate on New Joint Solutions for Hybrid Multicloud.
  • Cirata Simplifies Gerrit Instance Data Replication Across Multiple Global Sites.
  • Kvantphone: The World's First 'Quantum Secure' Calling and Messaging Enterprise Service Launched.
  • SolarWinds unveils enhanced Database Performance Analyzer.
  • Optimizing Application Connections and Improving Security Posture Among Top SD-WAN Deployment Drivers.
  • Groundbreaking Technology to Tackle Women's Safety, Protestor Activity and Crime at UK University Campuses. Halo Solutions.
  • The Best Way to Manage Outdated Equipment: Gradual upgrades to help tackle UK's productivity issue--Tom Cash, director of industrial parts supplier,...
  • "Harnessing Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Challenging Environments.": RAICo.
  • Generative AI, Growth is the Top Business Priority for 2024 and Conference Dates. Gartner.
  • Graphs Go Quantum.
  • 4617
    Streaming Platform News Trade Newsletter Sep 1, 2020
    Systems Research and Behavioral Science Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2011
  • International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (CEBM 2011), Shanghai, China, October 28-30, 2011.
  • OR53, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK, September 6-8, 2011.
  • UK Systems Society Conference 2011 'The Future of Systems Learning', St Anne's College, University of Oxford, September 1-2, 2011.
  • 9th International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society, Warsaw, Poland, September 5-6, 2011.
  • The 5th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2011), Wuhan, China, August 12-14, 2011.
  • The 2011 International Conference on Information System and Management (ISM2011), Wuhan, China, August 12-14, 2011.
  • The 7th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'11) and the 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery...
  • International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Washington DC, USA, July 24-28, 2011.
  • The 15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 19-22, 2011.
  • 55th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Hull University Business School, Hull, UK, July 17-22, 2011 (with Preconference...
  • Socially sustainable work organizations: conceptual contributions and worldviews.
  • Fiddling while the planet burns: the scientific validity of chaordic systems thinking. (Research Note).
  • A systems-level understanding of insurgent involvement in improvised explosive devices activities.
  • A machine learning approach to policy optimization in system dynamics models.
  • On the entropy of social systems: a revision of the concepts of entropy and energy in the social context.
  • Impact of combined feedback-feedforward control-based ordering policies on supply chain stability and responsiveness.
  • Being, engaging, contextualizing and managing matrix--a means for nonspecialists to assess group dynamics?
  • Editorial.
  • 936
    Technology Times Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 31, 2016
    The CTO Forum Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 14, 2017
    UNIX Update Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Annual Conference Proceedings Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2006
    URISA Journal Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2017
    Worldwide Databases Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024

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