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Publications in Government

1-80 out of 80 publication(s)
Publication Audience Format Latest Issue Articles
Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2024
Ahfad Journal Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2023
APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula General Newsletter Jun 11, 2018
APS Diplomat Redrawing the Islamic Map General Newsletter Aug 12, 2018
APS Diplomat Strategic Balance in the Middle East General Newsletter Aug 20, 2018
Background Notes General Report Jan 1, 2016
Behind the Headlines General Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2008
Budget Requests General Report Jan 1, 2024
Cadernos Argentina Brasil Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2018
Campaigns & Elections Trade Magazine/Journal Aug 1, 2008
Canadian Journal of Public Health Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2017
  • Missing the trends in the fentanyl overdose crisis: The need for immediate intervention in small and rural communities.
  • Tinkering in the dark: Critical knowledge gaps about how to fund public health in Canada.
  • Diarrhea ain't dope: Canada needs to consider the food safety implications of edible cannabis.
  • Une sante mondiale repensee: la perspective de futures chercheuses- praticiennes.
  • Adapting maternal health practice to co-morbidities and social inequality: A systematic approach.
  • "It makes us really look inferior to outsiders": Coping with psychosocial experiences associated with the lack of access to safe water and sanitation.
  • Impacts of the Interim Federal Health Program reforms: A stakeholder analysis of barriers to health care access and provision for refugees.
  • Enhancing the capacity and effectiveness of community health volunteers to improve maternal, newborn and child health: Experience from Kenya.
  • Weighing in on Canadian school-based vision screening: A call for action.
  • Canadian pharmacists as immunizers: Addressing questions related to this new scope of practice.
  • Ethical challenges in FASD prevention: Scientific uncertainty, stigma, and respect for women's autonomy.
  • Policy recommendations for front-of-package, shelf, and menu labelling in Canada: Moving towards consensus.
  • A strategic approach to workforce development for local public health.
  • Alberta's provincial take-home naloxone program: A multi-sectoral and multi-jurisdictional response to overdose.
  • Preconception health interventions delivered in public health and community settings: A systematic review.
  • Comparing "insider" and "outsider" news coverage of the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
  • Incidence of lower limb amputation in Canada.
  • Preliminary investigation of the STBBI Stigma Scale: Description and pilot results.
  • Migration and social determinants of mental health: Results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey.
  • Correlates of accelerometer-assessed physical activity and sedentary time among adults with type 2 diabetes. (QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH).
  • 1057
    Canadian Parliamentary Review General Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2023
    Canadian Public Administration Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2024
    Chiefs of Mission General Report Oct 4, 2013
    CHIPS Trade Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2024
  • Zero Trust drives BUMED's Identity, Credential and Access Management strategy upgrade.
  • TechSolutions and Marines bring a decades-old process into the 21st century.
  • Secretary Del Toro releases Science and Technology Strategy, offers path for sustained innovation.
  • Sailor Edge Afloat and Ashore gives Sailors personal and tactical advantage: Access to Wi-Fi boosts morale--and capabilities--aboard Abraham Lincoln.
  • Registration and additional details for 2024 DON IT Conference East.
  • NRL releases 25 Technologies for the Next 25 Years, ensuring future maritime dominance.
  • NPS President explores links between additive manufacturing, warfighting readiness with panelists at Sea Air Space.
  • NIWC Atlantic celebrates 'Leading for Impact' Award Winner during Women's History Month.
  • New DCSA director focuses on future capabilities at Insider Threat Analyst Forum.
  • Neptune Cloud Portal accelerating cloud adoption to lightning speed.
  • Navy Information Warfare showcased at Sea Air Space 2024: Leaders from across the Navy's Information Warfare enterprise spoke at the Navy League of...
  • NAVWAR leaders underscore the need for integrated information capabilities for maritime power at Sea Air Space 2024.
  • Memo: DON Enterprise IT Service Designation for Naval Identity Services.
  • Marines' experimentation with Joint Integrated Fires proves successful during Project Convergence Capstone 4.
  • Marines drive modernization efforts with in-house CBM+ capability.
  • DON partners invited to demonstrate their solutions, contributions to ISV 2.0 at 2024 DON IT Conference East: Response due no later than April 30.
  • DON establishes 2nd Enterprise IT Service: Naval Identity Services.
  • DON CIO Jane Rathbun wins 2024 Wash100 award.
  • CNO: Investing in industrial base, growing the fleet are top priorities.
  • Acting DON CTO signs Investment Horizons Charts memo.
  • 2134
    Church & State General Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2024
    Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs General Report May 1, 2024
    CONPLAN - U.S. Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan General Report Jan 1, 2001
    Constitution of the United States Academic Factbook Jan 2, 1991
    Countering Terrorism: Integration of Practice and Theory Professional Report Feb 28, 2002
  • Appendix 8: psychology of bias.
  • Appendix 7: training guide for hate crime training program.
  • Appendix 6: decision trees.
  • Appendix 5: data mining.
  • Appendix 4: psychology of deception.
  • Appendix 3: community policing models.
  • Appendix 2: communications technologies.
  • Appendix 1: information management and evaluation.
  • Conference participants.
  • Additional issues for practice, training and research.
  • Scenario 7: effective interview strategies for relatives, friends, or acquaintances of terrorists or suicide bombers.
  • Scenario 6 (a-c): how can law enforcement build effective ties to local Muslim communities, and what can these communities do to mobilize their...
  • Scenario 5: improvised explosive device material is found in an apartment. The only witness to activity there is an alcoholic in withdrawal.
  • Scenario 4: three persons are arrested near a nuclear power plant; two refuse to talk and the third (who recently traveled to Indonesia, Yemen and...
  • Scenario 3b: law enforcement must evaluate hoax terrorist threats. They also must construct media statements about possible threats and false alarms.
  • Scenario 3a: without links to the local Muslim community, police receive an anonymous call about a conversation in a local mosque about plans to...
  • Scenario 2c: a teacher tells an officer about her student's father who talks about killing himself "like the people who flew planes into buildings.".
  • Scenario 2b: a Palestinian reports to the FBI that a recent suicide bombing in Israel was committed by his brother.
  • Scenario 2a: a woman contacts her therapist about a friend of her son's "martyrdom mission.".
  • Scenario 1: a trustworthy local businessman reports suspicious activity by an apparently Middle Eastern neighbor.
  • 23
    CPSC Monitor General Newsletter Apr 1, 2004
    Diplomatic List General Report Jun 22, 2016
    DISAM Journal Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2010
  • United States Naval Ship Comfort crew settles into busy reality.
  • Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines and Task Force Sulu partner to treat patients and animals.
  • Raytheon gets $1.1 billion Patriot missile systems order from Taiwan.
  • Taiwan may assemble F-16s if the United States Oks sale.
  • American Institute in Taiwan Director receives honors from Taiwan.
  • Japan and the United States mull F-35 project.
  • Boeing delivers first 737 Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft to South Korea.
  • The United States delivers field cannons to Pakistan's Army, patrol boats to the Maritime Security Agency.
  • Russia to sell twenty MiG-29 fighters to Myanmar.
  • India signs deal to buy 29 more MiGs from Russia: article appeared in Agence France-Presse.
  • India - C-17 Globemaster III aircraft: Defense Security Cooperation Agency Newsletter.
  • United Arab Emirates placing order for six C-17s from Boeing.
  • United States stepping up engagement with African Air Forces.
  • Department of Defense leaders eye higher-priority label for security cooperation missions.
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation arrests 22 in bribery sting operation.
  • Past Secretaries ok State push for fiscal year 2011 Budget request.
  • Gates and Mullen report on Merida summit in Mexico.
  • Marshall Center hosts round-table north Atlantic treaty organization responsibilities.
  • Getting Started with Defense Trade Controls Electronic Licensing System United States department of state, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls.
  • Civilian surge comes to life at Training Center.
  • 800
    Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 28, 2024
    EMS World Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2023
    EURE-Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 1, 2019
  • A producao cientifica sobre gestao urbana: analise bibliometrica de 2010 a 2017.
  • Tensiones sincopadas y narrativas paradojicas sobre el espacio publico en una ciudad fronteriza.
  • La suburbanization del Sunbelt estadounidense tras la crisis del petroleo. El crecimiento como ideologia y el debate medioambiental.
  • Urbanismo Tatico como teste do espaco publico: o caso das superquadras de Barcelona.
  • Geomorfologia y forma urbana. Comportamiento termico de distintas tramas en areas de piedemonte: el caso de Mendoza, Argentina.
  • La burbuja inmobiliaria de la "decada prodigiosa" en Espana (1997-2007): politicas neoliberales, consecuencias territoriales e inmuno deficiencia...
  • Urbanismo bioclimatico en Chile: propuesta de biozonas para la planificacion urbana y ambiental.
  • Verticalizacion inmobiliaria y valorizacion de renta de suelo por infraestructura publica: un analisis econometrico del Gran Santiago, 2008-2011.
  • Irregularidade da posse da terra urbana, invasao de domicilios e espaco metropolitano.
  • Integracion social: ?oportunidad de que familias de escasos recursos vivan en sectores de mayores ingresos y equipamientos? Una mirada a las...
  • Espraiamento urbano e exclusao social. Uma analise da acessibilidade dos moradores da cidade do Rio de Janeiro ao mercado de trabalho.
  • El potencial de la percepcion social aplicada al analisis de la vulnerabilidad en planificacion urbana.
  • ?Derecho a la vivienda o la propiedad privada? De la politica publica a la informalidad urana en el Area Metropolitana de Lima (1996-2015).
  • 629
    Federal Reserve Bulletin Trade Newsletter Jun 1, 2018
    Foreign Relations of the United States General Collection Jan 1, 2004
    Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2023
    Fulfilling the Promise: Public Policy and U.S. Family Planning Clinics Professional Pamphlet Jan 1, 2000
    Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2005
  • Application of freezing method to recover tunnel accident in complex stratum of Nanjing subway.
  • Biological perspective of tsunami: a relief strategy--biopesticide spray operation for the mosquitoes, flies and disease control at the tsunami...
  • Analysis of Longyangxia dam deformation based on seepage and creep coupling method.
  • Underwater detection of scour of abutment foundation and its influence on stability of bridge piers.
  • Analysis by using GIS/RS technology on the geohazard auto mapping of Shou-Shan sliding area in Taiwan.
  • Vulnerability assessment to liquefaction hazard induced by rising sea-levels due to global warming.
  • Mapping liquefaction hazard in Charleston quadrangle, South Carolina.
  • National capital of India: from ignorance towards preparedness.
  • Minimizing karst related risks in highway construction.
  • Modeling of risk acceptance criteria for tunnel and underground engineering.
  • Iran's strategy on natural disaster risk management.
  • Potential earthquake risk of buildings in Sri Lanka.
  • A method of sand liquefaction probabilistic estimation based on RBF neural network model.
  • Probabilistic evaluation of liquefaction potential.
  • Wireless remote monitoring of geotechnical systems.
  • Potential use of Geosynthetic clay liners (GCL) in waste management.
  • Consideration of oversurcharge effects on soft clay with vertical drains.
  • Seismic liquefaction and rehabilitation of large earth dams in U.S.
  • Geosynthetics in the rehabilitation of failed slopes.
  • Settlement of shallow foundation on geogrid reinforced sand.
  • 76
    German Policy Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2013
    Government Finance Review Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2024
    Guide to Doing Business With the U.S. Department of State General Monograph Nov 1, 2006
    Guttmacher Policy Review General Magazine/Journal May 1, 2021
    International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2006
    International Narcotics Control Strategy Report General Report Mar 15, 2017
    International Religious Freedom Report General Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2007
    Japan Policy & Politics Trade Newsletter Oct 21, 2013
    Journal of Health and Human Services Administration Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2022
    Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Academic Magazine/Journal Oct 1, 2003
    Latin American Journal of Economics Academic Magazine/Journal May 1, 2015
    Mural Internacional Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2018
  • Mbembe, Achille. Necropolitica.
  • Thies, Cameron G. & Nieman, Mark David. Rising Powers & Foreign Policy Revisionism: Understanding BRICS identity and Behavior Through Time.
  • Which Slavery is Grieved? A critical reading of Kevin Bales' "Disposable People/Qual Escravidao e Enlutada? Uma leitura critica de Disposable People...
  • Security or human rights issue? Venezuelan immigration and changes of Brazilian Foreign Policy/Questao de seguranca ou de direitos humanos? A...
  • The Social Policy of the Chavez Government and Venezuelan Democracy: what advances/A politica social do governo Chavez e a democracia venezuelana:...
  • The use of cyberattacks in elections and International Relations/O uso de ciberataques em eleicoes e as Relacoes Internacionais.
  • Russian Documents of Foreign and Security Policy after 2014: main changes and implications/Documentos de Politica Externa e de Seguranca da Russia...
  • New World Political Arrangement and the role of Kosovo and Persian Gulf Wars: a reading from the Empire of Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt/A Nova...
  • Hemispheric Security: reformulations and disagreements in the post-Cold War period/Seguranca Hemisferica: reformulacoes e desencontros no pos-Guerra...
  • A latin american regionalism in the XXI century: an ongoing interactive game of resistance and cooperation/El regionalismo latinoamericano en el...
  • One China Policy: Origins and Implications for the Current US Taiwan Policy/One China Policy: Origens e Implicacoes para a Atual Politica de Taiwan...
  • Uruguayan participation at the UN Security Council in 2016-2017 biennium/Participacion uruguaya en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU en el bienio...
  • 163
    Nation's Cities Weekly General Newsletter May 21, 2012
    National Civic Review Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2013
    New African General Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2023
    Parliamentary Affairs Academic Magazine/Journal Oct 1, 1998
    Policy & Practice Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2024
    Political & Business Daily (Delhi, India) General Newspaper Aug 4, 2018
    Presidential Studies Quarterly Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2017
  • Polls and elections conventional wisdom: political learning during presidential nominating conventions.
  • Dwight Eisenhower and American Foreign Policy During the 1960s: An American Lion in Winter.
  • The relevance of emotions in presidential public appeals: anger's conditional effect on perceived risk and support for military interventions.
  • The president, the court, and policy implementation.
  • Madison's Hand: Revising the Constitutional Convention; Humboldt and Jefferson: A Transatlantic Friendship of the Enlightenment.
  • Selling War, Selling Hope: Presidential Rhetoric, the News Media, and U.S. Foreign Policy since 9/11.
  • Welcoming their hatred: class populism in Democratic rhetoric in American presidential campaigns, 1932-2012.
  • 1865: America Makes War and Peace in Lincoln's Final Year.
  • The missing element: examining the loyalty-competence nexus in presidential appointments.
  • The historical presidency: a theoretical critique of the unitary executive framework: rethinking the first-mover advantage, collective-action...
  • The president and the parties' ideologies: party ideas about foreign policy since 1900.
  • George Washington's Journey: The President Forges a New Nation.
  • Kennedy, Johnson, and the Nonaligned World.
  • Risk and Presidential Decision-Making: The Emergence of Foreign Policy Crises.
  • Does the presidency moderate the president?
  • Michelle Obama: First Lady, American Rhetor.
  • To Make Men Free: A History of the Republican Party.
  • Democracy's Muse: How Thomas Jefferson Became an FDR Liberal, A Reagan Republican, and a Tea Party Fanatic, All the While Being Dead.
  • Lou Fisher steps down.
  • 1675
    Public Administration Quarterly Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 14, 2022
    Public Administration Review Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2002
    Public Finance and Management Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2021
    Public Roads Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2024
    Public Works Trade Magazine/Journal Aug 1, 2006
    Publius Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2005
    Regulation Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2024
    Revisiting Public Funding of Abortion for Poor Women Professional Pamphlet Apr 1, 2000
    Romanian Government News General Report May 12, 2010
    Sex Education: Politicians, Parents, Teachers and Teens Professional Pamphlet Feb 1, 2001
    Social Policy Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2003
    Social Policy Journal of New Zealand Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2011
    State Legislatures General Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2023
    State Magazine General Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2024
    State Responses to Substance Abuse Among Pregnant Women Professional Pamphlet Dec 1, 2000
    Strategic Studies Quarterly Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2021
    Supporting Human Rights and Democracy General Report Jan 1, 2006
    Testing Positive: Sexually Transmitted Disease and the Public Health Response Professional Pamphlet Jan 1, 1993
    The Public Manager Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2009
  • The Uncivil Servant.
  • Governing through networks.
  • The public sector and the power of us.
  • Innovating the future.
  • Adaptability: leading through focused conversations.
  • Improving air force transportation systems by using alternative energy: the air force academy exposes its cadets to managerial challenges inherent in...
  • High-speed rail: an idea whose time has come? Passenger rail policy is being revisited at all levels of government and globally--with innovative...
  • Transportation megaprojects: comparing project management and oversight approaches: three recent, well-known initiatives--Boston's Big Dig, Denver's...
  • Introduction: three articles examine how government spends the taxpayer dollar.
  • Leveraging networks and social software for mission success: Web 2.0 tools help dynamically assess contributions, grasp organizational sentiment, and...
  • Future compensation of the state and local workforce: are compensation and benefit packages ready to address the occupational needs of the next...
  • Human capital councils help drive change: USPTO links human capital planning to accomplishment of agency strategic goals.
  • Neighborhood watch in Belgium: two municipal programs illustrate the conditions for successful public participation.
  • The new administration's shared services opportunity: stepping up use of shared services in the federal environment can redeploy resources from...
  • In pursuit of ethical governance: new approaches are emerging to fight corruption, including the use of measurement tools.
  • Performance-based pay at NGA: involving managers and employees from the outset is critical to workforce acceptance and sustained success.
  • Coordinating cross-boundary performance at the FAA: integrating cross-government activities has increased airspace capacity so more planes can fly on...
  • Quattro punti: four steps to budgeting and performance management--Part 1: start by creating a strategic hierarchy, setting targets, and defining...
  • Federal performance reporting: what a difference ten years males! Since CPRA implementation, the annual reporting quality has improved substantially,...
  • The manager's musings.
  • 807
    The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity General Report Jan 1, 2001
    The Surgeon General's Call To Action to Promote Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual Behavior General Report Jul 9, 2001
    Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management Academic Magazine/Journal May 1, 2024
    Title X at 25: Balancing National Family Planning Needs with State Flexibility Professional Pamphlet Jan 1, 1996
    Trafficking in Persons General Report Jun 1, 2024
    Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences Academic Magazine/Journal Feb 1, 2024
    U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets General Report Apr 3, 2024
    U.S. Department of Defense Speeches Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 26, 2024
    U.S. Participation in the United Nations General Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2007
    Urban Planning Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2024
  • Participatory Budgeting and Placemaking: Concepts, Methods, and Practices.
  • National Map of Security Threats as a Citizen Involvement Tool for Planning Safer Urban Public Spaces.
  • Social Media Groups in Interaction With Contested Urban Narratives: The Case of Koper/Capodistria, Slovenia.
  • Digital Feminist Placemaking: The Case of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" Movement.
  • Beyond the Blind Spot: Enhancing Polyphony Through City Planning Activism Using Public Participation GIS.
  • Digital Rights to the City: Local Practces and Negotatons of Urban Space on Decidim.
  • The Soundscape and Listening as an Approach to Sensuous Urbanism: The Case of Puerta del Sol (Madrid).
  • Digital Partcipatory Model as Part of a Data-Driven Decision Support System for Urban Vibrancy.
  • Revealing the Community's Interpretaton of Place: Integrated Digital Support to Embed Photovoice Into Placemaking Processes.
  • Discovering the Significance of Housing Neighbourhoods by Assessing Their Atributes With a Digital Tool.
  • Citizen Participation, Digital Agency, and Urban Development.
  • An Empirical Test of Pedestrian Activity Theories Within Informal Settlements.
  • Planned Socio-Spatial Fragmentation: The Normalisation of Gated Communities in Two Mexican Metropolises.
  • Economic-Sanitation-Environmental (Dis)Connections in Brazil: A Trans-Scale Perspective From Minas Gerais State and BH Microregion.
  • Spatial Appropriations Over Europe's Borderland: El Principe's Growth as a Vestige of Colonial Urbanism.
  • Migrants in the Old Train Wagons Borderland in Thessaloniki: From Abandonment to Infrastructures of Commoning.
  • The Liminality of Subcultural Spaces: Tokyo's Gaming Arcades as Boundary Between Social Isolaton and Integraton.
  • Transformatons of the Beirut River: Between Temporary and Permanent Liminality.
  • Bordering Practces in a Sustainability-Profled Neighbourhood: Studying Inclusion and Exclusion Through Fluid and Fire Space.
  • Conceptualizing Place Borders as Narratve: Observatons From Berlin-Wedding, a Neighbourhood in Transformaton.
  • 231
    Welfare Law and the Drive to Reduce 'Illegitimacy' Professional Pamphlet Jan 1, 2000

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