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Publications in Humanities

1-38 out of 38 publication(s)
Publication Audience Format Latest Issue Articles
Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2022
Americas (English Edition) General Magazine/Journal May 1, 2012
Borderlands Academic Magazine/Journal May 1, 2019
Confluencia: Revista Hispanica de Cultura y Literatura Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2019
Contemporary PNG Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Nov 1, 2008
Creativity Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2023
Critica Academic Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2019
Digital Studies / Le champ numerique Academic Magazine/Journal Oct 18, 2021
Espacio y Desarrollo Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2018
Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporaneas Professional Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2019
European English Messenger General Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2015
Explorations in Renaissance Culture Academic Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2019
Genders Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2014
Humanitas Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2019
Interciencia General Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2019
International Journal of Arts and Humanities General Magazine/Journal Dec 31, 2021
  • Parental Acceptance - Rejection and Parental Control as Determinants of Substance Abuse: A Comparative Study of Drug Addicts and Non-drug Addicts.
  • Micro Finance and Its Influence on Small Enterprises Development Offered by Private Banks in Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Women Victimization in Sindh: A Sociological Study.
  • Apprehending Factors Influencing in the Adoption of Electronic Government Services in Pakistan: A Critical Investigation.
  • A Sociological Study on Social Behaviour towards Children with Disabilities in the Context of Inclusive Education System in Primary Schools of Kotri,...
  • An Evaluation of the Problems in the Way of Teaching English and their Effect on Students' Performance at Higher Secondary School Level in Hyderabad.
  • Determinants of COVID-19 in Pakistan: Evidence from Public Opinion from Karachi.
  • Keeping the Doors of Learning Open: Exploring Innovative English Language Teaching Practices during COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Development of E-learning: A Historical Review with Global Perspective.
  • An Eco-critical Study of Shaikh Ayaz's Poetry.
  • English Press Coverage on Transgender Persons in Pakistan.
  • Analyzing Patriarchal Preoccupation and Instinctual Delectation in Waste Land: A Gender Perspective.
  • Female Circumcision/FGM: A Discussion in the Light of Religious and Ethical Perspective with Reference to the Novel Princess Trilogy by Jean Sasson.
  • A Study of Shortened Forms in Pakistani English Print Media.
  • Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences and the Way Forward.
  • Comparative Analysis of Past and Present Generation Discourse Patterns: Progression vs. Regression.
  • Child's Growth and School Dropout in Sindh.
  • A Plea for the Introduction of Critical Pedagogy in Pakistani Classrooms.
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    International Journal of Peace Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2010
    Journal of Cyprus Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2023
    Journal of European Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2009
    Journal of Humanistic Counseling Professional Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2011
    Knowledge Cultures Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2024
    Michigan Academician Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2021
  • The Fruit Fly as a Model Organism in the Study of Endocrine Disruption: New Methods to Examine Effects of Perturbation of Development.
  • Veterinarian Involvement in Zoonotic Disease Prevention Practices in Michigan.
  • Ambiguous Gravitational Forces during Development and their Effects on Adult Fruit Fly Locomotor Behavior Drosophila Melanogaster.
  • Larval Foraging Behavior is Shaped in Fruit Flies Drosophila Melanogaster Developed in an Ambiguous Gravity Environment.
  • Evaluation of Phonotactic Behavior in Male-Exposed Female Acheta Domesticus.
  • Preliminary Findings of the Andrews University Biology Expeditions to Peru: Expeditions, Participants, and Survey Locations.
  • Interspecific Differences in the Molar Occlusal Surfaces of Manatees Trichechus spp.
  • Preliminary Findings of the Andrews University Biology Expeditions to Peru: Mammals.
  • Microstructure of Enamel Formed during Hibernation and the Active Season in Ground Squirrels.
  • Review of Sensory Modalities of the Extant Paenungulata Clade.
  • Poetics of the Self: Apophatic Iconicity in the poetry of Sor Teresa Chicaba and Clara Janes.
  • San Martin Caballero: Mexican ex Votos from the Soberly Devout to the Overtly Comic.
  • Mythological Monsters and their Questioning of Gender and Sexual Identity.
  • The Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Lifetime Substance Use.
  • Substance Use and Sexual Harassment among Sexual Minority Students at a Christian University.
  • Boosting Standards Compliance.
  • Towards a Socio- and Psychodynamic Perspective on Power and Control in Work Organizations.
  • Academic Writing and the Virtual Museum.
  • Interventional Communication Sessions: WAC the Easy Way.
  • Critical Reading for Better Writing: Three Strategies for the Composition Classroom.
  • 1324
    Newfoundland and Labrador Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2022
    Noesis. Revista de Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades. Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2015
    Portuguese Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2008
    Portuguese Studies Review Academic Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2014
    Reason General Magazine/Journal Aug 1, 2014
    Reason Magazine General Magazine/Journal Feb 22, 2023
    Renaissance Quarterly Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2006
    Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2023
    Serbian Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2011
    Shofar General Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2019
    Studies in the Humanities Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2020
    symploke Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2014
    The ESSE Messenger General Magazine/Journal Jun 22, 2022
    Variaciones Borges Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2024
    Vitae Scholasticae Professional Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2021
  • Tompkins, J. (2018). Reading through the night. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press.
  • Thompson, B. (2017). Teaching with tenderness: Toward an embodied practice. University of Illinois Press.
  • Sabzalian, L. (2019). Indigenous survivance in the public schools. Routledge.
  • Evans, T. T. (2020). Teaching native pride: Upward bound and the legacy of Isabel Bond. WSU Press.
  • Burkeman, O. (2021). Four thousand weeks: Time management for mortals. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • Borland, J. (2020). Earthquake children: Building resilience from the ruins of Tokyo. Harvard University Asia Center.
  • Bhattacharya, K. & Gillen, N. (2016). Power, race and higher education: A cross-cultural parallel narrative. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense publishers.
  • Chabon, Howitt, and Schutz Autobiographix.
  • Baumgartner, In the Pursuit of Knowledge: Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America.
  • Considering Communication & Stratifying Conditions in Early Education Dyson, Writing the School House Blues: Literacy, Equity, and Belonging in a...
  • BRB: Five-year-olds Teach their #AcaMoms About the Potential and Necessity of Screen Time and Virtual Play in a Pandemic World.
  • Todavia Viaja El Viejo (The Old Man Still Travels): Educative Fronteras.
  • Critical Pedagogy: A Story-Infused Naming of the Four Components of Critical Pedagogy.
  • More Than a Blind Woman: Principal Teacher Miss Hannah Guillan and her Contributions to the Georgia Academy for The Blind, 1852-1898.
  • Of "Public Importance": Biography and the American College President.
  • The Transformation of an African American Progressive Educator: William A. Robinson, the Atlanta University Laboratory School, and the Secondary...
  • John Holt: Education and Its Discontents.
  • Editorial Note: Questioning and Stretching Conventions in Life Writing.
  • 233
    Yearbook of English Studies Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2008

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