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July 25, 2024: Questions Three: Darryll Silva

If you've been part of any of our crowdfunding campaigns in recent years, you've almost certainly witnessed the administrative handiwork of Project Manager Darryll Silva. If you've picked up our releases in other venues, the odds are nontrivial you've benefitted from Darryll's expertise and attention to detail. And if you've been on Slack and received a questioning ping about interesting ideas to make available for fans, you might be me – Steven Marsh – proofreading this post.

Darryll graciously took the time to answer some queries from me for this latest iteration of Questions Three.

Project wrangling of the sort you do involves a lot of spinning plates but can seem pretty invisible from the outside. What's the most interesting part that customers would only notice if you weren't doing it well?

Well, gee, interviewer, way to put me on the spot here. ;)

I think that I have had the . . . [more]

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July 24, 2024: Gen Con Booth 1401 - It's The Place To Be!

Gen Con is mere days away – and Steve Jackson Games will be there! Our booth is number 1401, located just inside the exhibit hall. 
You'll find many of your favorite Steve Jackson games including Zombie Dice, Hack & Slash, Munchkin Deluxe, and Deadly Doodles
We'll have exciting new releases such as Express, Munchkin Pony ExcessPathfinder Revolution!, Groo: The Game, and many more. Plus there will be demos!
Best of all, you can be among the first to demo and purchase the Car Wars Orange/Purple Starter Set! We'll have limited stock with us, so stop by as soon as you can to grab your copy. (If you can't make it to the convention, it will be available for pre-order on Warehouse 23 on August 1st, and you can find it at your FLGS shortly after.)
We'll be offering our Box of Astonishments, in which you'll find games, accessories, and other exciting Steve Jackson . . .


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July 23, 2024: Crowdfunding Focus: Uncanny Magazine, Year 11

It should come as no surprise to long-time readers that I'm a fan of digital publishing. One of the more-vital science-fiction and fantasy publications of the 21st century – Uncanny Magazine – recently launched a Kickstarter as they begin their second decade. In its first 10 years, it's won seven Hugo Awards, the 2024 Locus Award, and the general acclaim of audiences everywhere.

If you're not familiar with Uncanny, the contents for the magazine are available online for free. You'll discover stories, essays, and poetry from a wide and vibrant swath of the writing world. You owe it to yourself to check it out and see if it's to your liking.

If you are familiar with Uncanny, then the odds are decent you've already hopped aboard the Kickstarter, which will get you new issues as eBooks (MOBI, PDF, and EPUB) – plus other goodies if you want to support a great cause by pitching in a . . . [more]

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July 22, 2024: On My Way Home

I spent the weekend at Imaginarium, in Louisville. Fun was had, games were played, people were met. My thanks to the concom for inviting me, and to all the friendly people I talked to! I did in fact make it to some of the non-Steve programming, and I did in fact learn some things that may be useful. So, a win.

I baaaaaarely made it to the con on Thursday – my flight went through Atlanta, and it seems to have gotten off the ground either just before or just after the big IT crash. A few minutes later and I might still be in Atlanta. And my return flight was canceled, as I learned only this afternoon . . . but fortunately I was able to book a quick return on another airline, and I expect to see my home Monday evening.

I am so ready. If I go dark here for a little while, it's because I am recharging my own batteries, which have gotten badly run down over the past month. I'll be . . . [more]

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July 21, 2024: Let's See How Well I Did On My Writing Roll Today

Question for the tabletop-RPG fans: How common is it to envision one's actions in gaming terms, like "Wow, I made my Scrounging roll when I found this obscure computer cable" or "Honey, how good does my Fast-Talk need to be so you're not angry about this Kickstarter?"

Asking for . . . a friend. Who's a writer. You wouldn't know him.

-- Steven Marsh

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